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2 EN
1 Important
Read and understand all instructions before
you use this micro music system. If damage is
caused by failure to follow the instructions, the
warranty does not apply.
This 'bolt of lightning' indicates uninsulated
material within the device may cause an
electrical shock. For the safety of everyone in
your household, please do not remove the
The 'exclamation mark' calls attention to
features for which you should read the enclosed
literature closely to prevent operating and
maintenance problems.
shock, the device should not be exposed to rain
as vases, should not be placed on the device.
CAUTION: To prevent electric shock, fully
insert the plug. (For regions with polarized
plugs: To prevent electric shock, match wide
blade to wide slot.)
Never remove the casing of this apparatus.
Never lubricate any part of this apparatus.
Never look into the laser beam inside this apparatus.
Never place this apparatus on other electrical
Keep this apparatus away from direct sunlight, naked
Ensure that you always have easy access to the power
cord, plug or adaptor to disconnect the apparatus from
the power.
• The device shall not exposed to dripping
or splashing.
• Do no place any source of danger on the
• Where the MAINS plug or an appliance
coupler is used as the disconnect device,
the disconnect device shall remain readily
• Make sure that there is enough free space
around the product for ventilation.
• Battery usage CAUTION – To prevent
battery leakage which may result in bodily
injury, property damage, or damage to the
• Install all batteries correctly, + and - as
marked on the unit.
• Do not mix batteries (old and new or
carbon and alkaline, etc.).
• Batteries (packed or installed) shall not
be exposed to excessive heat such as
• Remove batteries when the unit is not
used for a long time.
• Onlyuseattachments/accessoriesspecied
by the manufacturer.
device that are not expressly approved by
WOOX Innovations may void the user’s

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips MCM2350

Philips MCM2350 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

Philips MCM2350 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

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