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Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to
Philips! To fully benet from the support that Philips
offers, register your product at www.philips.com/
Read this important information carefully before you use
the appliance and save it for future reference.
- Keep the appliance and the adapter dry.
- Do not use the appliance near or over a washbasin
or bath lled with water (Fig. 1).
- Do not use the appliance in the bath or in the
shower (Fig. 2).
- If you use the appliance in the bathroom, do not use
an extension cord. (Fig. 3)
If the adapter is damaged, always have it replaced with
one of the original type in order to avoid a hazard.
- This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
- Children should be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the appliance.
- Do not cut off the adapter to replace it with another
plug, as this causes a hazardous situation.
- Only use the appliance in combination with the
adapter supplied.
- This appliance is only intended for removing
women’s body hair on areas below the neck.
- To prevent damage and injuries, keep the operating
appliance (with or without attachment) away
from clothes, threads, cords, brushes etc.
- Do not use the appliance and exfoliation brush on
irritated skin or skin with varicose veins, rashes, spots,
moles (with hairs) or wounds without consulting
your doctor rst.
- People with a reduced immune response or people
who suffer from diabetes mellitus, haemophilia or
immunodeciency should also consult their doctor rst.
- Your skin may become a little red and irritated the
rst few times you use the epilator. This is absolutely
normal and quickly disappears.
As you use the appliance more often, your skin
gets used to epilation, skin irritation decreases and
regrowth becomes thinner and softer. If the irritation
has not disappeared within three days, we advise you
to consult a doctor.
- Do not use the epilating head, attachments or the
exfoliation brush if they are damaged or broken,
as this may cause injury.
- Use and store the appliance at a temperature
between 10°C and 30°C.
- Noise level: Lc= 76 dB(A).
Electromagnetic elds (EMF)
This Philips appliance complies with all applicable
standards and regulations regarding exposure to
electromagnetic elds.
- This appliance is not suitable for use in a bath or
shower. (Fig. 4)
- Do not throw away the appliance with the normal
household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in
at an ofcial collection point for recycling. By doing
this, you help to preserve the environment. (Fig. 5)
Guarantee and support
If you need information or support, please visit
www.philips.com/support or read the separate
worldwide guarantee leaet
Tillykke med dit køb og velkommen til Philips! For at
få fuldt udbytte af den support, Philips tilbyder, skal du
registrere dit produkt på www.philips.com/welcome.
Læs disse vigtige oplysninger omhyggeligt igennem, inden
apparatet tages i brug, og gem dem til eventuel senere brug.
- Både apparat og adapter skal holdes tørre.
- Brug ikke apparatet nær eller over en håndvask eller
et badekar med vand (g. 1).
- Brug ikke apparatet i badet eller under
bruseren (g. 2).
- Hvis du bruger apparatet på badeværelset, må du
ikke bruge en forlængerledning. (g. 3)
- Hvis adapteren beskadiges, skal den altid udskiftes
med en original adapter af samme type for at undgå
en farlig situation.
- Dette apparat er ikke beregnet til at blive brugt af
personer (herunder børn) med nedsatte fysiske
og mentale evner, nedsat følesans eller manglende
erfaring og viden, medmindre de er blevet vejledt
eller instrueret i apparatets anvendelse af en person,
der er ansvarlig for deres sikkerhed.
- Apparatet bør holdes uden for børns rækkevidde for
at sikre, at de ikke kan komme til at lege med det.
- Klip ikke adapteren af for at udskifte den med et
andet stik, da dette vil føre til farlige situationer.
- Brug kun apparatet sammen med den medfølgende
2 3

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