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(°F /°C)
Shake Extra
10 a 25 /
18-22 355 / 180 Shake add 1/2
tbsp of
oil to the
made potato
10 a 25 /
12-18 355 / 180 Shake add 1/2
tbsp of
oil to the
Meat &
Steak 4 a 18 /
8-12 355 / 180
Pork chops 4 a 18 /
10-14 355 / 180
Hamburger 4 a 18 /
7-14 355 / 180
4 a 18 /
13-15 355 / 180
Drumsticks 4 a 18 /
18-22 355 / 180
4 a 18 /
10-15 355 / 180
Onion rings 10 a 25 /
12-16 390 / 200 Shake Use oven-
4 a 18 /
6-10 390 / 200 Shake Use oven-
Frozen sh
4 a 16 /
6-10 390 / 200 Use oven-
cheese sticks
4 a 16 /
8-10 355 / 180 Use oven-
4 a 16 /
10 320 / 160
Note: Add 3 minutes to the preparation time when you start frying while the
airfryer is still cold.
Making home-made fries
For the best results, we advise to use pre-baked (e.g. frozen) fries. If you
want to make home-made fries, follow the steps below.
1 Peel the potatoes and cut them into sticks.
2 Soak the potato sticks in a bowl for at least 30 minutes, take them
out and dry them with paper towel.
3 Pour ½ tablespoon of olive oil in a bowl, put the sticks on top and
mix until the sticks are coated with oil.
4 Remove the sticks from the bowl with your ngers or a kitchen
utensil so that excess oil stays behind in the bowl. Put the sticks in
the basket.
Note: Do not tilt the bowl to put all the sticks in the basket in one go, to prevent
excess oil from ending up on the bottom of the pan.
5 Fry the potato sticks according to the instructions in this chapter.
Clean the appliance after every use. Remove oil from the bottom of the
pan after every use to prevent smoke.
Let the basket, pan and the inside of the appliance cool completely before
you start cleaning. The pan, basket and the inside of the appliance have a
non-stick coating. Do not use metal kitchen utensils or abrasive cleaning
materials to clean them, as this may damage the non-stick coating.
1 Remove the power plug from the wall outlet, turn timer control knob
to 0 and let the appliance cool down.
Note: Remove the pan to let the airfryer cool down more quickly.
2 Wipe the outside of the appliance with a moist cloth.
Tip: To reduce the weight, you can remove the basket from the pan and shake
the basket only. To do so, pull the pan out of the appliance, place it on a
heat-resistant surface and press the basket release button.
Tip: If you set the timer to half the preparation time, you hear the timer bell
when you have to shake the ingredients. However, this means that you have to
set the timer again to the remaining preparation time after shaking.
9 When you hear the timer bell, the set preparation time has elapsed.
Pull the pan out of the appliance and place it on a heat-resistant surface.
Note: You can also turn off the appliance manually. To do this, turn the timer
control knob to 0 (Fig. 11).
10 Check if the ingredients are ready.
If the ingredients are not ready yet, simply slide the pan back into the
appliance and set the timer to a few extra minutes.
11 To remove small ingredients (e.g. fries), press the basket release
button (1) and lift the basket out of the pan (2). (Fig. 12)
Do not turn the basket upside down with the pan still attached to it,
as any excess oil that has collected on the bottom of the pan will leak
onto the ingredients.
After hot air frying, the pan and the ingredients are hot. Depending on
the type of ingredients in the airfryer, steam may escape from the pan.
12 Empty the basket into a bowl or onto a plate. (Fig. 13)
Tip: To remove large or fragile ingredients, use a pair of tongs to lift the
ingredients out of the basket (Fig. 14).
13 When a batch of ingredients is ready, the airfryer is instantly ready
for preparing another batch.
The table below helps you to select the basic settings for the ingredients
you want to prepare.
Note: Keep in mind that these settings are indications. As ingredients differ in
origin, size, shape as well as brand, we cannot guarantee the best setting for
your ingredients.
Because the Rapid Air technology instantly reheats the air inside the
appliance, pulling the pan briey out of the appliance during hot air
frying barely disturbs the process.
- Smaller ingredients usually require a slightly shorter preparation time
than larger ingredients.
- A larger amount of ingredients only requires a slightly longer
preparation time, a smaller amount of ingredients only requires a slightly
shorter preparation time.
- Shaking smaller ingredients halfway through the preparation time
optimizes the end result and can help prevent unevenly fried ingredients.
- Add some oil to fresh potatoes for a crispy result. Fry your ingredients
in the airfryer within a few minutes after you added the oil.
- Do not prepare extremely greasy ingredients such as sausages in the airfryer.
- Snacks that can be prepared in an oven can also be prepared in the airfryer.
- The optimal amount for preparing crispy fries is 1lb/0,45kg.
- Use pre-made dough to prepare lled snacks quickly and easily. Pre-made
dough also requires a shorter preparation time than home-made dough.
- You can also use the airfryer to reheat ingredients. To reheat ingredients,
set the temperature to 300°F / 150°C for up to 10 minutes.
- Make sure the ingredients that come out of this appliance have a light to
medium brown color instead of a dark brown color. Remove burnt food
remnants. Do not fry fresh potatoes at a temperature above 356°F /
180°C to minimize the production of acrylamide.
(°F /°C)
Shake Extra
Potatoes &
Thin frozen
10 a 25 /
12-16 390 / 200 Shake
Thick frozen
10 a 25 /
12-20 390 / 200 Shake
made fries
(1/4 inch /
8x8 mm)
10 a 25 /
18-25 355 / 180 Shake add 1/2
tbsp of oil
to the fries

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips HD9220 Airfryer

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Recepten - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 80 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Recepten - Deutsch - 68 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 80 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Recepten - English - 68 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 80 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Aanvulling / aanpassing - Français - 20 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 80 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Recepten - Espanõl - 52 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk - 80 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Recepten - Svenska - 68 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska, Norsk - 80 pagina's

Philips HD9220 Airfryer Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 10 pagina's

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