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HD3015 HD3015 HD3015
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Specifications are subject to change without notice
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1 Your rice cooker
Congratulations on your purchase, and welcome to Philips!
To fully benet from the support that Philips offers, register your
product at www.Philips.com/welcome.
2 What’s in the box
Rice cooker main unit Steam basket
Rice scoop Measuring cup
User manual Safety leaet
Warranty card Power cord
3 Overview
Inner pot
Lid release button
Water level indications
Detachable steam vent cap
Scoop holder
Main body
Heating element
Power socket
Control Lever
Keep warm indicator
Steam water storage
Cooking indicator
Outer lid
4 Using the rice cooker
Before rst use
1 Take out all the accessories from the inner pot. Remove the
packaging material of the inner pot.
2 Clean the parts of the rice cooker thoroughly before using the
rice cooker for the rst time (see chapter ‘Cleaning’).
Make sure all parts are completely dry before you start using the
rice cooker.
Preparations before use
Before using the rice cooker, you need to follow the preparation:
1 Measure the rice using the measuring cup provided.
2 Wash the rice thoroughly.
3 Put the pre-washed rice in the inner pot.
4 Add water to the level indicated on the scale inside the inner
pot that corresponds to the number of cups of rice used. Then
smooth the rice surface.
5 Press the release lever to open the lid.
6 Put the inner pot in the rice cooker. Check if the inner pot is in
proper contact with the heating element.
7 Close the lid of the rice cooker, put the plug in the power
What’s in the box
Contenu de l’emballage
Wat zit er in de doos
Cuisson à la vapeur
Cooking rice
Rijst koken
Cuisson du riz
Using the rice cooker
Utilisation du cuiseur à riz
De rijstkoker gebruiken
Each cup of uncooked rice normally gives 2 bowls of cooked rice.
Do not exceed the quantities indicated on the inside of the inner
The level marked inside the inner pot is just an indication. You can
always adjust the water level for different types of rice and your own
preference. If the voltage is unstable at the area you live, it is possible
that the rice cooker overows.
Besides following the water level indications, you can also add rice
and water at 1:1-1.2 ratio for rice cooking. Do not exceed the
quantities indicated on the inside of the inner pot.
Make sure that the outside of the inner pot is dry and clean, and that
there is no foreign residue on the heating element or the magnetic
Cooking rice
1 Follow the steps in “Preparations before use”.
2 Press down the control lever, and the cooking (
indicator lights up.
3 When the cooking is nished, the cooking (
) indicator
will be off.
4 The rice cooker switches to keep warm mode automatically,
and the keep warm (
) indicator lights up.
Do not exceed the volume indicated nor exceed the maximum
water level indicated in the inner pot, as this may cause the rice
cooker to overow.
1 Measure a few cups of water with the measuring cup.
2 Pour the water into the inner pot.
3 Put the steam basket into the inner pot.
4 Put the food into the steam basket.
5 Close the lid of the rice cooker, and put the plug in the power
6 Push down the control lever, and the cooking (
indicator lights up.
7 When the steaming is nished, pull up the control lever.
8 The rice cooker switches to keep warm mode, and the keep
warm (
) indicator lights up.
Use a kitchen glove or a cloth, as the plate and steam basket will be
very hot.
You can cook rice while steaming food. Do not exceed the volume
indicated nor immerse the steam basket in the water, as this may
cause the rice cooker to overow.
You can adjust the water level as needed.
5 Cleaning and Maintenance
Unplug the rice cooker before starting to clean it.
Wait until the rice cooker has cooled down sufciently before cleaning
Inside of the outer lid and the main body:
Wipe with wrung out and damp cloth.
Make sure to remove all the food residues stuck to the rice
Heating element:
Wipe with wrung out and damp cloth.
Remove food residues with wrung out and damp cloth or
Surface of the outer lid and outside of the main body:
Wipe with a cloth damped with soap water.
ONLY use soft and dry cloth to wipe the control panel.
Make sure to remove all the food residues around the control
Rice scoop, inner pot, steam basket, steam vent cap:
Soak in hot water and clean with sponge.
6 Environment
Do not throw away the appliance with normal household
waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an ofcial
collection point for recycling. By doing this, you can help to
preserve the environment.
7 Guarantee and service
If you need service or information, or if you have a problem, visit the
Philips website at www.philips.com or contact the Philips Customer
Care Center in your country. You can nd its phone number in the
worldwide guarantee leaet. If there is no Customer Care Center in
your country, go to your local Philips dealer.
8 Specifications
Model Number HD3015
Rated power output 650W
Rated capacity 4.0L
Rice volume 1-8 cups

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