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2 EN
1 Important
Information for Europe:
not expose the product to rain or moisture and
a Read these instructions.
b Keep these instructions.
c Heed all warnings.
d Follow all instructions.
e Do not use this product near water.
f Clean only with dry cloth.
g Do not block any ventilation openings.
Install in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.
h Do not remove the casing of this product.
i Only use this product indoors. Do
not expose the product to dripping /
splashing water, rain or high humidity.
j Keep this product away from direct
k Do not install near any heat sources
such as radiators, heat registers, stoves,
or other electrical equipment (including
l Do not place any other electrical
equipment on the product.
m Do not place any sources of danger
on the product (e.g. objects containing
n This product may include batteries. Please
refer to safety and disposal instructions
for batteries in this user manual.
o Where the mains plug or an appliance
coupler is used as the disconnect device,
the disconnect device shall remain readily
Never place this apparatus on other electrical
Ensure that you always have easy access to the power
Risk of overheating! Never install this apparatus
at least four inches around this apparatus for
never cover the ventilation slots on this
Mains fuse
This information applies only to products with a
• theratingsshownontheplug,
• aBS1362approval,and
• theASTAapprovalmark.
Contact your dealer if you are not sure about
Caution: To conform with the EMC directive

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips DS9830W

Philips DS9830W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 32 pagina's

Philips DS9830W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 32 pagina's

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