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Do not use with glass bottle
Ne pas utiliser avec un biberon
en verre
Nicht mit der Glasfl asche
Niet gebruiken met glazen
4213 354 41161 (03/12)
Instruction lea et
Livret d’instructions
Always use this product with adult supervision. • Never use feeding
teats as a soother. • Continuous and prolonged sucking of  uids will
cause tooth decay. • Always check food temperature before feeding.
• Keep all components not in use out of the reach of children.
• Before  rst use, clean the product. Inspect before each use and
pull the feeding teat in all directions. Throw away at the  rst signs of
damage or weakness. Do not store a feeding teat in direct sunlight
or heat, or leave in disinfectant ('sterilising solution') for longer than
recommended, as this may weaken the teat. • Do not place in a heated
oven. • Before rst use place in boiling water for 5 minutes. This is to
ensure hygiene. Clean before each use. • Wash and rinse thoroughly,
then sterilise using a Philips AVENT steriliser or boil for 5 minutes. •
Do not warm contents in a microwave oven, as this may cause uneven
heating and could scald your baby. • Dishwasher safe - food colourings
may discolour components. • Do not allow child to play with small
parts or walk/run while using bottles or cups. • Drinks other than
milk and water, such as fruit juices and  avoured sugary drinks are not
recommended. If used, they should be well diluted and only used for
limited periods. • Expressed breast milk can be stored in sterilised
Philips AVENT polypropylene bottles/containers in the refrigerator for
up to 48 hours (not in the door) or in the freezer for up to 3 months.
Never refreeze breast milk or add fresh breast milk to already frozen
milk. • Do not use abrasive cleaning agents or anti-bacterial cleaners.
Do not place components directly on surfaces that have been cleaned
with anti-bacterial cleaners. • Excessive concentration of detergents
may eventually cause plastic components to crack. Should this occur,
replace immediately. • Plastic material properties may be affected by
sterilising and high temperatures. This can affect the  t of the cap.
CleaningBefore  rst use, disassemble all parts, clean and sterilise
the product. After every use, take all items apar t, wash in warm
soapy water and rinse thoroughly. Make sure that you wash your
hands thoroughly and that the surfaces are clean before contact with
sterilised components.
AssemblyWhen you assemble the bottle, make sure you place the
cap vertically onto the bottle so that the teat sits upright. To remove
the cap, place your hand over the cap and your thumb in the dimple
of the cap. The teat is easier to assemble if you wriggle it upwards
instead of pulling it up in a straight line. Make sure you pull the teat
through until its lower part is even with the screw ring.
MaintenanceBefore rst use place in boiling water for 5 minutes.
• Before each use, inspect all items. Pull the feeding teat in all directions.
For optimum performance, pinch and massage the number on the teat
between index  nger and thumb prior to a feed. Throw away at the
rst signs of damage or weakness. For hygiene reasons, we recommend
replacing teats after 3 months. Keep teats in a dry, covered container.
When not in use, do not store in sunlight or heat, or leave in disinfectant
('sterilising solution') for longer than recommended, as this may weaken
the teat. Do not place in a heated oven.
GlassNaturalbottleGlass bottles may break. Do not use metal
inside the bottle to stir contents or for cleaning. This can damage the
glass on the inside of the bottle. Before each use, inspect bottles for
sharp edges or glass fragments inside. Do not use bottles if there are
any cracks on or glass fragments in the bottle. Do not let babies drink
unsupervised with this bottle.
CompatibilityOnly use Philips AVENT Natural teats with Philips
AVENT Natural feeding bottles. Spare teats are available separately.
Make sure you use a teat with the correct  ow rate when you feed
your baby. When you use an older Philips AVENT steriliser, please
check on the website how to place the Natural bottle. Do not mix
Classic bottle parts and teats with parts of the Natural bottle. They
may not  t and could cause leakage. • The polypropylene Natural
bottle is compatible with Philips AVENT breast pumps, spouts, sealing
discs and cup tops. • The glass Natural bottle is compatible with
Philips AVENT breast pumps and sealing discs. For safety reasons, it is
not recommended to use glass Natural bottles with handles, spouts
and cup tops. If the bottle falls, it may break.
Philips AVENT is here to help:
GB: 08443380489national call rate (mobiles vary)
IRL: 0818210141national call rate (mobiles vary)
AU: 1300364474
Philips AVENT, a business of Philips Consumer
Lifestyle BV, Tussendiepen 4, 9206 AD Drachten,
The Netherlands
Trademarks owned by the Philips Group.
© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. All Rights Reserved.
12607-GBFRDENL_41161_HR.indd 1 03/04/2012 15:59

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