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Question Answer
Why do the batteries of
the baby unit run low
The microphone sensitivity level of the baby unit may be set too high,
which causes the baby unit to transmit more often. Decrease the
microphone sensitivity level in the menu of the parent unit.
The volume on the baby unit may be set too high, which causes the
baby unit to consume a lot of energy. Decrease the volume of the
baby unit.
You may have set a maximum room temperature that is lower than
the actual room temperature or a minimum room temperature that
is higher than the actual room temperature. This causes the display to
be lit all the time, which results in higher power consumption and
batteries that run low quickly.
Perhaps you have switched on the nightlight. If you want to use the
nightlight, we advise you to run the baby unit on mains power.
Why does the charging
time of the parent unit
exceed 8 hours?
The parent unit may be switched on during charging. Switch off the
parent unit during charging.
The specied operating
range of the baby monitor
is 300 metres/900 feet.
Why does my baby
monitor manage a much
smaller distance than that?
The specied range is only valid outdoors in open air. Inside your
house, the operating range is limited by the number type of walls
and/or ceilings in between. Inside the house, the operating range is
up to 50 metres/150 feet.
Why is the
connection lost every
now and then? Why are
there sound interruptions?
The baby unit and the parent unit are probably close to the outer
limits of the operating range. Try a different location or decrease the
distance between the units. Please note that it takes about 30
seconds each time before a connection between the units is
What happens during a
power failure?
If the parent unit is sufciently charged, it continues to operate during
a power failure, both inside and outside the charger. If there are
batteries in the baby unit, it automatically switches to battery
operation in case of power failure.
Is my baby monitor
secure from
eavesdropping and
The DECT technology of this baby monitor guarantees no
interference from other equipment and no eavesdropping.
Some buttons do not
seem to work when I
press them. What do I do
You should press all buttons (except the on/off buttons and the TALK
button) briey. If you press them too long, they do not work.
The operating time of the
parent unit is supposed to
be at least 24 hours. Why
is the operating time of
my parent unit shorter?
When the parent unit batteries have been charged for the rst time,
the operating time is less than 24 hours. The batteries only
reach their full capacity after you have charged and discharged
them at least four times.

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