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For your child’s safety and health WARNING! Before first use, clean
the product. After every use, take all items apart, wash and rinse
thoroughly. Sterilise using a Philips AVENT Steriliser or boil for 5 minutes.
This is to ensure hygiene
Always use this product with adult supervision
Never use feeding teats as a soother Continuous and prolonged sucking
of fluids will cause tooth decay
Always check food temperature before
Keep all components not in use out of the reach of children
Do not leave a feeding teat in direct sunlight or heat when not in use, or
leave in disinfectant (“sterilising solution”) for longer than recommended,
as this may weaken the teat
Before each use, inspect the product. Throw
away at the first sign of damage or weakness
During inspection of teats
pull the feeding teat in all directions
DO NOT warm contents in a
microwave oven as this may cause uneven heating and could scald your
Wash your hands thoroughly and ensure surfaces are clean before
contact with sterilised components
DO NOT use abrasive cleaning agents
or anti-bacterial cleaners
Excessive concentrations of detergents may
eventually cause plastic components to crack. Should this occur, replace
Dishwasher safe – food colourings may discolour
For hygiene reasons, we recommend replacing teats/spouts
after 3 months
Always assemble teats when wet DO NOT overtighten
teat assembly on bottle
Keep teats in a dry, covered container DO NOT
allow child to play with small parts or walk/run while using bottles or cups
Drinks other than milk or water, such as fruit juices and flavoured sugary
drinks are not recommended. If they are used, they should be well diluted
and only used for limited periods, not constantly sipped
SPORTSTER CUPS and SPOUTS are not suitable for hot, fizzy or pulpy drinks
DO NOT use cups with spouts to mix infant formula as this may clog the
non-spill valve and cause components to leak
Always ensure the valve is
properly assembled
Magic Cups should only be used as an aid to help
children progress to using ordinary cups.
Spare teats and spouts with valves are available separately. Use only AVENT
Teats with AVENT Feeding Bottles.
Philips AVENT is here to help
GB: Call Free on 0800 289064
IRL: Call Free on 1800 509 021
AU: 1300 364 474
AVENT, Suffolk, CO10 7QS, England
Qxd6.qxd 2/4/07 10:22 Page 1

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