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Terms of use,
copyrights and licenses
Terms of use
2015 © TP Vision Europe B.V. All rights reserved.
This product was brought to the market by TP Vision Europe
B.V. or one of its affiliates, hereinafter referred to as TP Vision,
which is the manufacturer of the product. TP Vision is the
warrantor in relation to the TV with which this booklet was
packaged. Philips and the Philips Shield Emblem are registered
trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V.
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks
are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V or their respective
owners. TP Vision reserves the right to change products at any
time without being obliged to adjust earlier supplies accordingly.
The written material packaged with the TV and the manual
stored in the memory of the TV or downloaded from the Philips
website are believed to be adequate for the intended use of the
The material in this manual is believed adequate for the intended
use of the system. If the product, or its individual modules or
procedures, are used for purposes other than those specified
herein, confirmation of their validity and suitability must be
obtained. TP Vision Europe B.V. warrants that the material itself
does not infringe any United States patents. No further warranty
is expressed or implied. TP Vision Europe B.V. cannot be held
responsible neither for any errors in the content of this
document nor for any problems as a result of the content in this
document. Errors reported to Philips will be adapted and
published on the Philips support website as soon as possible.
Terms of warranty Risk of injury, damage to TV or void of
warranty! Never attempt to repair the TV yourself. Use the TV
and accessories only as intended by the manufacturer. The
caution sign printed on the back of the TV indicates risk of
electric shock. Never remove the TV cover. Always contact
Philips TV Customer Care for service or repairs. Any operation
expressly prohibited in this manual, or any adjustments and
assembly procedures not recommended or authorised in this
manual, shall void the warranty. Pixel characteristics This
LCD/LED product has a high number of colour pixels. Although
it has effective pixels of 99.999% or more, black dots or bright
points of light (red, green or blue) may appear constantly on the
screen. This is a structural property of the display (within
common industry standards) and is not a malfunction. CE
compliance This product is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of Directives
2006/95/EC (Low Voltage), 2004/108/EC (EMC) and
2011/65/EU (ROHS). Compliance with EMF TP Vision Europe
B.V. manufactures and sells many products targeted at
consumers which, like any electronic apparatus, in general have
the ability to emit and receive electromagnetic signals. One of
Philips’ leading Business Principles is to take all necessary health
and safety measures for our products, to comply with all
applicable legal requirements and to stay well within the Electro
Magnetic Field (EMF) standards applicable at the time of
producing the products. Philips is committed to develop,
produce and market products that cause no adverse health
effects. TP Vision confirms that, as long as its products are
handled properly for their intended use, they are safe to use
according to scientific evidence available today. Philips plays an
active role in the development of international EMF and safety
standards, enabling Philips to anticipate further developments in
standardisation for early integration in its products.
Copyrights and licenses
The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia
Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and
other countries.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and
the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
MHEG software
The copyright in MHEG software (the Software) comprised in
this television (this product) and included to enable you to use
interactive television features is owned by S&T CLIENT
SYSTEMS LIMITED (the Owner). You are permitted to use the
Software only in conjunction with this product.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips 48PFK6300

Philips 48PFK6300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 56 pagina's

Philips 48PFK6300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 60 pagina's

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