Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Home Theatre System, problems 17
Home Theatre System, sound 80
Home Theatre System, volume leveling 17
Incredible surround 79
Interactive TV, about 30
Interactive TV, what you need 32
Internet memory, clear 10
Internet memory, clear 66
iTV 32
JointSpace 70
Keyboard, connect 19
Language, audio 32
Language, menus and messages 30
Language, original 34
Light sensor 79
Location 78
Lounge light 85
Manual installation 34
Media servers, supported 90
Menu language 32
Miracast, block/unblock 53
Miracast, share a screen 53
Miracast, stop sharing 53
Miracast™ 52
Motion, Clear LCD 80
Motion, HD Natural Motion 80
Motion, Perfect Natural Motion 77
Mouse, connect 19
MPEG artefact reduction 77
Multi room, about 67
Multi room, setup 67
Multi room, use 67
Music, playback 52
MyRemote App, about 70
MyRemote App, channel bar 73
MyRemote App, control 72
MyRemote App, download 71
MyRemote App, JointSpace 72
MyRemote App, network 70
MyRemote App, recording 71
MyRemote App, SimplyShare 71
MyRemote App, TV guide 73
MyRemote App, TV name 71
MyRemote App, watch TV 73
MyRemote App, Wi-Fi smart screen 72
Network frequency 33
Network frequency mode 33
Network router 9
Network, DHCP 11
Network, password 13
Network, problems 10
Network, settings 12
Network, Static IP 15
Network, wired 10
Network, wireless 9
Noise reduction 77
On and Off 23
On screen Help 98
Online support 96
Online TV 66
Open source software 89
Options, on a channel 31
Original language 36
Parental rating 31
Pause TV 54
Perfect Natural Motion 79
Philips hue 83
Photo camera, connect 20
Photos, slideshow 51
Photos, videos and music 51
Picture style 75
Picture, backlight contrast 81
Picture, colour 77
Picture, problems 95
Picture, sharpness 75
Pixel Plus link 18
Playback formats 92
Power connection 8
Power consumption, check 87
Quick picture settings 74
Radio channel 28
Reception quality 33
Recording, list of recordings 55
Recording, record now 55
Recording, schedule a recording 55
Recording, Skype calls 61
Recording, watch a 56
Recording, what you need 55
Recording, what you need 18
Red button 34
Rename channels 29
Rental videos 67
Repair 101
Safety instructions 98
Satellite, add 38
Satellite, age rating 36
Satellite, channel list 35
Satellite, channel update 39
Satellite, connection 8
Satellite, hearing impaired 40
Satellite, installation 37
Satellite, lock channels 36
Satellite, Multi-Dwelling-Unit 37
Satellite, packages 39
Satellite, remove 39
Satellite, rename channels 39
Satellite, Unicable 38

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips 42PFK6549

Philips 42PFK6549 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 110 pagina's

Philips 42PFK6549 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 115 pagina's

Philips 42PFK6549 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English - 110 pagina's

Philips 42PFK6549 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 114 pagina's

Philips 42PFK6549 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français, Italiano, Espanõl - 110 pagina's

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