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Thank you for buying a Philips TV-Video combi. This TV-Video combi is one of the most sophisticat-
ed and easy-to-use TV-Video combi on the market. Please take the time to read this operating manu-
al before using your TV-Video combi. It contains important information and notes regarding operation.
The TV-Video combi should not be turned on immediately after transportation from a cold to a
hot area or vice versa, or in conditions of extreme humidity. Wait at least three hours after transport-
ing the device. The TV-Video combi needs this time in order to become acclimatised to its new envi-
ronment (temperature, air humidity, etc.).
This TV-Video combi is used for the recording and playback of VHS videocassettes.
Cassettes with the VHS-C label (VHS cassettes for camcorders) may only be used
with a suitable adapter.
We hope you enjoy your new TV-Video combi.
Important notes regarding operation
Danger: High voltage!
There is a risk of an electrical shock!
The TV-Video combi does not contain any
components that can be repaired by the
customer. Please leave all maintenance
work for qualified personnel.
As soon as the TV-Video combi is connect-
ed to the power supply, some components
are in constant operation. To-switch off the
TV-Video combi completely you must dis-
connect it from the mains or switch it off with
the main switch.
Make sure that air can circulate freely
through the ventilation slots on the TV-Video
combi. Do not place the device on an
unsteady base.
Make sure that no objects or liquids enter
the TV-Video combi. Do not place vases or
the like on the TV-Video combi. If liquid is
spilt into it, immediately disconnect the TV-
Video combi from the power supply and call
After-sales Service for advice.
Do not place any combustible objects on the
device (candles, etc.).
Make sure that children do not place any
foreign objects within the openings or venti-
lation slots.
These operating instructions have been
printed on non-polluting paper.
Deposit old batteries at the appropriate col-
lection points.
Please make use of the facilities available in
your country for disposing of the packaging
of the TV-Video combi in a way that helps to
protect the environment.
This electronic device contains many materi-
als that can be recycled. Please enquire
about the possibilities for recycling your old
So that you can identify your machine for service
questions or in the event of theft, enter the serial
number here. The serial number (PROD.NO.) is
printed on the type plate fixed at the back of the
This product complies with the requirements of
Directive 73/23/EEC +89/336/EEC +93/68 EEC.
The Department of Trade and industry operates a
Radio lnvestigation Service to help TV licence hold-
ers improve reception of BBC and ITC programmes
where these are being spoilt by interference.
If your dealer cannot help, ask at a Main Post Office
for the booklet 'How to lmprove Television and Radio
MODEL NO. : 14PV120/07, 14PV125/07
14PV225/07, 14PV422/07
PROD. NO. ...........................
T6410EZ(UK).qx3 03.3.22 14:07 Page 1

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips 14PV125

Philips 14PV125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

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