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Poor picture
The proximity of mountains or high buildings
may be responsible for ghost pictures, echoing
or shadows. In this case, try manually adjusting
your picture: see
Fine Tuning (p. 5) or change
the direction of the outside aerial.
Does your aerial enable you to receive broadcasts
in this frequency range (UHF or VHF band) ?
There may be interference if the TV set is too
close to equipment that is not earthed (sound
system, cordless phone, ...) or if a piece of
equipment connected to the side connectors is
operating at the same time as a piece of equipment
connected to EXT1 or EXT2 (or EXT3). Switch off
one of the 2 pieces of equipment.
No picture
Have you connected the aerial properly ?
Have you chosen the right system ? (p. 5)
Are the contrast and brightness correctly
tuned? Reset the factory settings with the
SETUP menu (p.11).
A wrong SCART or aerial socket connection is
often the cause of poor picture or sound
problems. Check all the connections.
No sound
If on certain programmes you receive a picture
but no sound, this means that you do not have
the correct TV system. Modify the System
setting (p. 5).
Is the sound interrupted with the mute
m key ?
Certain characters are not displayed correctly ?
Press the e key to change the set of characters.
Smart picture and sound controls
The eco mode is intended to lower power
consumption of the TV and to improve picture
quality of low quality digital sources.
The personal mode is redefined with the
settings of the picture and sound menus after
you have changed any of the settings.
The remote control is no longer working ?
The indicator on the TV set no longer flashes
when you use the remote control ? Replace
the batteries.
When you switch the TV set on it remains in
standby mode and
Locked is displayed when
you use the keys on the TV set ? The
Lock function is switched on (p. 7).
If the set receives no signal for 15 minutes, it
automatically goes into standby mode.
To save power, your television is fitted with
components that give it a very low power
consumption when in standby mode (less than
1 W).We adwise to switch off the TV overnight
instead of leaving it on standby.You save energy.
Still no results ?
Switch yout TV off and on again once.
If your TV set breaks down, never attempt to
repair it yourself, contact the after-sales service.
Cleaning the set
Only use a clean, soft and lint-free cloth to
clean the screen and the casing of your set.
Do not use alcohol-based or solvent-based
RGB signals:
These are 3 Red, Green and Blue video signals which directly drive the red, green and blue
emitters in the cathode ray tube. Using these signals provides better picture quality.
NICAM sound: Process by which digital sound can be transmitted.
System: Television pictures are not broadcast in the same way in all countries.There are different
standards : BG, DK, I, and L L’.This is not to be confused with PAL or SECAM colour coding. Pal is
used in most countries in Europe, Secam in France, Russia and most African countries. The United
States and Japan use a different system called NTSC.
100Hz: Conventional televisions (50 Hz) produce a visible image flicker.Thanks to 100 Hz technology, the
scanning frequency is doubled. It is visually more comfortable and the flickering effect is reduced.
16:9: Refers to the length / height of the screen.Wide screen televisions have a ratio of 16/9 and
conventional TV sets have a ratio of 4/3.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips 12

Philips 12 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 33 pagina's

Philips 12 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Philips 12 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

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