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q 16:9 formats
The pictures you receive may be transmitted in 16:9 format (wide screen)
or 4:3 format (conventional screen).
4:3 picture sometimes have a black band at the and the bottom of the
screen (letterbox format).
This key allows you to optimise the picture display on screen.
Automatic switching
This TV set is equipped with automatic switching which will select the
correct screen format, provided the specific signals are transmitted with
the programmes.
This automatic format can also be modified manually;
Using the different formats
Use the cursor left/right to select the different modes: 4:3, Zoom 14:9,
Zoom 16:9, Subtitle zoom, Super wide and Wide screen.
The picture is reproduced in 4:3 format and a black band is displayed
on either side of the picture.
Zoom 14:9
The picture is enlarged to 14:9 format, a thin black band remains on
both sides of the picture.
Zoom 16:9
The picture is enlarged to 16:9 format.This mode is recommended
when displaying pictures which have black bands at the top and
bottom (letterbox format).
Subtitle Zoom
This mode is used to display 4:3 pictures using the full surface of the
screen leaving the subtitles visible.
Super Wide
This mode is used to display 4:3 pictures using the full surface of the
screen by enlarging the sides of the picture.
This mode restores the correct proportions of pictures transmitted
in 16:9 using the full screen display.
This mode displays images in full screen.
Ma Smart keys
To select predefined picture and sound settings.
Personal refers to the personal preference settings selected in the sound
and picture menu.
2330.4 gb 06-09-2004 15:22 Pagina 4

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips 107 fp 4

Philips 107 fp 4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

Philips 107 fp 4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

Philips 107 fp 4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 16 pagina's

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