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Fuel used for petrol engines
The petrol engines are compatible with
bio-fuels that conform to current and future
European standards and can be obtained from
filling stations.
Fuel used for Diesel
The Diesel engines are compatible with
biofuels that conform to current and future
European standards and can be obtained from
filling stations.
The use of B20 or B30 fuel meeting
standard EN16709 is possible in your
Diesel engine. However, this use, even
occasional, requires strict application of
the special servicing conditions referred
to as "Arduous conditions".
The use of any other type of (bio)
fuel (vegetable or animal oils, pure
or diluted, domestic fuel...) is strictly
prohibited (risk of damage to the engine
and fuel system).
The only Diesel additives authorised for
use are those that meet the B715000
The only petrol additives authorised for
use are those that meet the B715001
Petrol that meets the EN228 standard,
mixed with a bio-fuel meeting the
EN15376 standard.
Travelling abroad
Certain fuels could damage the
engine of your vehicle. In certain
countries, the use of a particular fuel
may be required (specific octane
rating, specific sales name…) to
ensure correct operation of the
For any additional information, contact
your dealer.
Diesel fuel that meets standard
EN590 mixed with a biofuel that meets
standard EN14214 (possibly containing
up to 7% Fatty Acid Methyl Ester).
Diesel fuel that meets standard
EN16734 mixed with a biofuel that
meets standard EN14214 (possibly
containing up to 10% Fatty Acid Methyl
Paraffinic Diesel fuel that meets
standard EN15940 mixed with a biofuel
that meets standard EN14214 (possibly
containing up to 7% Fatty Acid Methyl
For more information, contact a dealer of the
brand or a qualified workshop.
Compatibility of fuels
Diesel fuel at low temperature
In temperatures below 0°C (+32°F), the
formation of paraffins in the summer diesel
fuels may result in abnormal operation of the
fuel supply system. To avoid this, the use of
winter diesel fuels is recommended, keeping
the tank topped up to more than 50% of its
If in spite of this you experience difficulties
starting the engine in temperatures below -15°C
(+5°F), simply leave the vehicle in a garage or a
heated workshop for a while.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Peugeot 208 - 2016

Peugeot 208 - 2016 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 412 pagina's

Peugeot 208 - 2016 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 412 pagina's

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