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The traf c announcement
(TA) is displayed. I do
not receive any traffi c
Tune to a radio station which broadcasts traffi c
The radio station is not part of the regional traffi c information network.
The quality of reception
of the radio station
listened to gradually
deteriorates or the
stored stations do
not function (no
sound, 87.5 Mhz is
The vehicle is too far from the transmitter used by the station listened to or
there is no transmitter in the geographical area through which the vehicle
is travelling.
The environment (hills, buildings, tunnels, basement car parks...) block
reception, including in RDS mode.
The aerial is absent or has been damaged (for example when going
through a car wash or into an underground car park).
Activate the RDS function to enable the system
to check whether there is a more powerful
transmitter in the geographical area.
This phenomenon is normal and does not
indicate a failure of the audio equipment.
Have the aerial checked by a PEUGEOT dealer.
Sound cut-outs of 1
to 2 seconds in radio
During this brief sound cut-out, the RDS searches for any frequency
permitting better reception of the station.
Deactivate the RDS function if the phenomenon
is too frequent and always on the same route.
With the engine off,
the audio equipment
switches off after a few
minutes of use.
When the engine is switched off, the audio equipment operating time
depends on the battery charge.
The switch-off is normal: the audio equipment switches to economy mode
and switches off to prevent discharging of the vehicle’s battery.
Start the vehicle’s engine to increase the battery
The stored stations do
not function (no sound,
87.5 Mhz is displayed...).
An incorrect waveband is selected.
Press the BAND AST button to return to the
waveband (AM, FM1, FM2, FMAST) on which the
stations are stored.
The message "the audio
system is overheated"
appears on the display.
Switch the audio system off for a few minutes to
allow the system to cool.
In order to protect the installation if the surrounding temperature is too
high, the audio equipment switches to an automatic thermal protection
mode leading to a reduction of the volume or stopping of the playing of the

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Andere handleiding(en) van Peugeot 207 - 2009

Peugeot 207 - 2009 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 176 pagina's

Peugeot 207 - 2009 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 267 pagina's

Peugeot 207 - 2009 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 267 pagina's

Peugeot 207 - 2009 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 256 pagina's

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