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SOLVIT Products 1114 W Harris, Suite 101 Arlington, TX 76001
Tel: 866-6-SOLVIT (866-676-5848) Fax: (817) 466-2291
Email: customerservice@solvitproducts.com www.solvitproducts.com
Tagalong™ Pet Booster Seat
Care & Use Guide
Thank you for purchasing the Solvit Booster Seat. The Booster is designed to fit all vehicle seats with headrest.
Assembly: The carton should contain the rectangular “basket” section, one removable fabric liner, one short
adjustable safety leash (two on the XL model) and one black, metal support bracket (two pieces on the XL model).
Step 1: On XL models only, connect the two L-shaped sections of the metal
support bracket into a U-shape so the arms are about 16” long each, and the
back is 18” across. Insert the metal support bracket into the basket section so
the two “arms” of the bracket face forward and the “back” section aligns with
the lower back inside edge of the basket (the edge with the D-ring installed).
Only after the metal bracket is positioned inside the basket, insert each end
of the bracket “arms” into the corresponding rubber tubes located at the top
left and right corners of the basket (refer to see-through image at right). Please
make sure to not insert the “arms” of the bracket into the rubber tubes before
inserting the “back” section of the bracket into the basket.
Step 2: Position the fabric liner so the small hole in the lower inside seam
aligns over the D-ring sewn in the interior bottom of the basket. Pull the D-
ring through the small hole and attach the leash strap. Next, pull the two
headrest straps through the holes on the upper edge of the liner. Wrap the
liner over the upper edge of the basket, aligning the hook-and-loop pieces on
liner and basket (see figure at left).
Step 3: To install, pass the loose end of the headrest strap through the
adjuster on the opposing strap, place the assembled strap over the vehicle
headrest and adjust to obtain the preferred position of the basket. For
additional stability, pass the vehicle seat belt through the two seat belt loops
on the back side of the basket and buckle the seat belt in place. On bucket
seats, fasten the strap sewn into the lower edge of the basket around the back
of the seat and tighten. On bench seats, this lower strap will not be used.
WARNING: Always make sure the leash is adjusted short enough to keep pets from jumping out of the basket. An
improperly adjusted leash creates an unsafe condition. A harness is recommended rather than a collar for safely
securing pets. Never leave pets unattended in the booster seat.
Cleaning: Promptly wipe up any foreign matter or standing liquid with a damp cloth or sponge. Machine wash the
fabric liner in cold water with mild detergent and line dry.
Limited Lifetime Warranty: The Booster Seat is warranted to be free from defects in materials or workmanship for
the life of the product. Some restrictions apply, so please visit our website for more details. A copy of the original
sales receipt is required for warranty issues.
Solvit Products is dedicated to offering innovative solutions to improve pets’ quality of life. Please feel free to
contact us with and questions, comments, or warranty issues. Thank you for your purchase!

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