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SOLVIT Products 1114 W Harris, Suite 101 Arlington, TX 76001
Tel: 866-6-SOLVIT (866-676-5848) Fax: (817) 466-2291
Email: customerservice@solvitproducts.com www.solvitproducts.com
Deluxe Car Safety Harness
Care & Use Guide
Thank you for purchasing the Solvit Deluxe Car Safety Harness. The package should contain a padded vest and an
adjustable safety tether with carabineer.
Adjusting vest for best fit: Fully extend the vest straps and place the vest on pet, fastening the
plastic buckle behind the shoulders. The twin loops should be centered on the pet’s back and the
vest should be centered on the chest. Adjust upper and lower straps to achieve best fit and pass the
strap ends back through the adjustment sliders to lock straps in place (see Fig. 1). Excess strap
material can be removed with scissors and sealed at the end with a small flame.
There are several ways to attach the safety vest to the vehicle seat belt to achieve
different combinations of safety rating and pet mobility. Generally, the attachment
methods that offer the least range of motion are considered safest. Since many pets
prefer to have the ability to move around somewhat, it is up to the owner to determine the
best configuration for their pet. The following options are presented in order from those
providing greatest range of motion to least:
1) Fasten the seat belt. Attach the safety tether to the shoulder (upper) portion of the
seat belt, by first passing the tether behind the belt, and passing the carabineer
through the loop at the opposite end of the tether (see Fig. 2). Connect the
carabineer to the twin harness loops to secure pet. The seat belt tensioning
device will lock if the vehicle stops suddenly.
2) To reduce pet’s range of motion, it is possible to lock the seat belt in advance by
fully extending it and allowing it to return to a normal position (same procedure
as that used with child safety seats).
3) Fastening the tether to the lap (lower) portion of the seat belt will also reduce
pet’s range of motion.
4) An alternate way to attach the tether is the form a loop, by passing the tether
behind the seat belt, then through the twin harness loops, and connecting the end
of the tether to the carabineer (see Fig. 3).
5) The method regarded as safest, which provides the least range of
motion, is to pass the two sections through the twin harness loops before
buckling seat belt. Note this method does not use the tether.
If using the tether, adjusting it to the shortest length will reduce range of motion.
Additionally, Solvit offers an optional 3-point attachment kit that anchors the
lower portion of the vest to the vehicle, and can be used with any attachment
method. For more details, refer to the Car Safety Harness product page on our
website. To outfit multiple vehicles, extra safety tethers are available at your
retailer or by contacting Solvit customer service.
The safety harness and its components have undergone various static and dynamic testing in certified test facilities.
Please visit our website for a complete description of the testing methodologies and results.
Cleaning: Promptly wipe up any foreign matter with a damp cloth or sponge.
Limited Lifetime Warranty: The Car Safety Harness is warranted to be free from defects in materials or workmanship
for the life of the product. Some restrictions apply, so please visit our website for more details. A copy of the original
sales receipt is required for warranty issues.
SOLVIT Products is dedicated to offering innovative solutions for pet travel. Please feel free to contact us with any
questions, comments, or warranty issues. Thank you for your purchase!

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