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HoundAbout Pet Bicycle Trailer
Care & Use Guide
Thank you for purchasing the Solvit HoundAbout Pet Bicycle Trailer. Allow about thirty minutes for assembly – a
Phillips screwdriver and 11mm wrench or adjustable wrench is needed. The trailer can also be converted to a
stroller with the addition of the HoundAbout Strolling Kit, sold separately.
Unpack the trailer and check that the following parts are included (see images of parts on last page):
Two wheels with integrated axle spindle – 20” size for Large trailer; 16” size for Medium trailer
Wheel mounting bracket kit with 2 wheel mounting brackets, bolts, 11mm nuts and hex wrench (in polybag)
Roof Support rod; two star knobs for support rod (in polybag)
Bicycle towbar
Two red reflectors + Phillips screws for mounting (in polybag)
Safety Leash (attached to D-ring inside cabin)
Bicycle hitch (inserted into end of towbar)
Assemble on a clean flat surface:
Step 1: Attach the bicycle towbar:
After all parts have been removed, position the main cabin of the trailer
with the bottom side facing up. Locate the towbar mounting bracket which
is welded to the frame; remove the pre-installed nut and bolt and the clevis
pin (which is connected to the bolt with a black cord), but leave the black plastic
spacer in place in the bracket. Position the towbar so the end with two holes fits into the plastic
spacer and the hole at the end of the towbar aligns with the middle hole in the plastic spacer and
the metal bracket. Re-install the bolt and nut through these holes taking care to keep the black cord from the clevis
pin connected to the bolt. Lock the towbar into the “stowed” position by inserting the clevis pin through the
mounting bracket, plastic spacer, and towbar and engage the hoop spring on the end of the clevis pin. (see image)
Step 2: Attach the wheel mounting brackets and wheels:
Insert the square tube section of one wheel mounting bracket into either
end of the square tube which runs under the trailer, making sure the
bracket extends above the bottom of the cabin. Align the hole in the
bracket with the hole in the square tube; insert the bolt & nut
and tighten using the hex wrench provided and an adjustable
wrench. Repeat with remaining wheel mounting bracket. Turn
the cabin over before moving to the next step.
Insert the axle spindle of one wheel into the axle tube on the
wheel mounting bracket while pressing down on the spring lock
button. Push the wheel in so that the spindle is in all the way,
then release the spring lock. Pull out on the wheel to check that
the spring lock is engaged. Removal is the reverse of installation.
Step 3: Erecting the cabin:
The sides of the cabin frame are held in place by means of a roof support rod and two black plastic “star knobs”.
With the wheels resting on the ground, rotate one side panel into a vertical orientation. Position the support rod
inside the trailer so one star knob can be inserted through the hole in the fabric cover and frame tube on the side of
the trailer and into the threads on the end of the support rod (see image). Repeat with the other star knob on the

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