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Switch off the appliance before connecting •
to or disconnecting from the mains.
Always be careful when using the •
Do not use the appliance outdoors.•
Always protect the appliance from water or •
excessive humidity.
Do not operate the appliance if your hands •
are wet. Do not operate the appliance if
you are barefoot.
Do not touch moving parts. Keep long hair •
and loose clothing away from the moving
Carefully guide the mains cable to make •
sure that it does not hang over the edge of
a worktop and cannot be caught accidentally
or tripped over.
Never pull the mains cable to disconnect •
the mains plug from the mains. Keep the
mains cable away from heat, oil and sharp
Switch off the appliance and wait for the •
motor to stop running before disconnecting
the mains plug from the mains.
Do not remove any part or accessory when •
the mains plug is connected to the mains.
Always first disconnect the mains plug from
the mains.
If the mains cable becomes damaged •
during use, immediately disconnect the
mains plug from the mains. Do not touch
the mains cable before disconnecting the
mains plug from the mains.
Disconnect the mains plug from the mains •
when the appliance is not in use, before
assembly or disassembly and before
cleaning and maintenance.
Safety of others
Do not allow children or any person •
unfamiliar with these instructions to use
the appliance.
Do not allow children or animals to come •
near the work area. Do not allow children
or animals to touch the appliance or mains
cable. Close supervision is necessary
when the appliance is used near children.
You have purchased a Petra appliance.
Our aim is to provide quality products with
a tasteful design and at an affordable price.
We hope that you will enjoy this appliance
for many years.
Instructions for use
The instructions for use have been collected
in the corresponding section. Be familiar with
the safety instructions when you consult the
instructions for use.
Safety instructions
- When using mains-powered appliances,
basic safety instructions must always be
followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric
shock and personal injury.
- Do not use the appliance near bathtubs,
showers, basins or other vessels containing
Read the entire manual carefully before use.•
The intended use is described in this •
manual. The use of any accessory or the
performance of any operation with this
appliance other than recommended can
cause a risk of personal injury.
Keep this manual for future reference.•
Children should be supervised to ensure •
that they do not play with the appliance.
The use of this appliance by children or •
persons with a physical, sensory, mental or
motorial disability, or lack of experience
and knowledge can give cause to hazards.
Persons responsible for their safety should
give explicit instructions or supervise the
use of the appliance.
This appliance is intended to be used in •
indoor only and similar applications such
as staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and
other working environments; farm houses;
by clients in hotels, motels and other
residential type environments; bed and
breakfast type environments.

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