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V. 04 02/12/2019 3 ©Velleman nv
1. Introduction
To all residents of the European Union
Important environmental information about this product
This symbol on the device or the package indicates that disposal of the device after its lifecycle
could harm the environment. Do not dispose of the unit (or batteries) as unsorted municipal
waste; it should be taken to a specialized company for recycling. This device should be
returned to your distributor or to a local recycling service. Respect the local environmental
If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities.
Thank you for choosing Perel! Please read the manual thoroughly before bringing this device into service.
If the device was damaged in transit, do not install or use it and contact your dealer.
2. Safety Instructions
3. General Guidelines
Refer to the Velleman® Service and Quality Warranty on the last pages of this manual.
Keep this device away from dust and extreme temperatures.
Protect this device from shocks and abuse. Avoid brute force when operating the device.
Familiarise yourself with the functions of the device before actually using it.
All modifications of the device are forbidden for safety reasons. Damage caused by user modifications
to the device is not covered by the warranty.
Only use the device for its intended purpose. Using the device in an unauthorised way will void the
Damage caused by disregard of certain guidelines in this manual is not covered by the warranty and
the dealer will not accept responsibility for any ensuing defects or problems.
Do not use this product to violate privacy laws or perform other illegal activities.
Keep this manual for future reference.
4. Features
Wireless video door phone system. The outdoor camera module can be powered with an external power
supply or with the included battery pack if no mains is available.
The unique design allows you to install the outdoor camera module in any position.
The wireless indoor handheld module can be charged with the docking station
camera with white LEDs for night vision
two-way audio intercom
door can be opened through the handheld with optional electrical door lock: HAA272
recording function: image snapshot on the handheld device

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