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Technical Specifications
Before Using
Please read these instructions carefully before use and keep them for future reference.
Check your local main voltage whether it is the same as stated on the rating label.
Before using for the first time, remove any protective films or stickers from the product.
Ensure the power switch is at off position.
How to Operate Air Cooler
Off Button Press the Off button (as located in line with the speed button) to turn off the speed
ON/OFF Indicator Rotate the timer switch to ON indicator to turn on the air cooler. Rotate the
timer switch to OFF indicator to set the air cooler into OFF position.
Speed Button The air cooler speed can be manually adjusted by pressing the speed button
LOW-MEDIUM-HIGH for your desired speed. This operation can be stopped anytime by
pressing the OFF button.
Timer Control Knob To set the timer, turn the timer knob to the desired time as indicated up to
maximum of 2 hours and the air cooler will operate within the setting time. Turn “OFF” to stop
the operation of this function.
Cooler/Humidifier Button Press this button when adding water or ice, surrounding temperature
is obviously lower 20 seconds later.
Swing Button Press this button, wind direction will move automatically from left to right.
Press again to stop this function.
Ice Box Put the ice box into the refrigerator and keep them inside till they are completely
frozen. Put the ice box into the water tank from adding water cover on the rear side of the unit,
and then close the door. The temperature of the water will be 8
C lower than that of the
ambience and keeping for 4 hours, making the wind cooler.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Always unplug the product from the wall socket and let it cool down completely prior to
Do not use abrasive sponge, scouring pads or stiff brush to clean the appliance.
Please be cautious when cleaning the product near to the motor housing area.
Use only damp cloth to wipe the exterior surfaces of the unit. Do not immerse the main body in
Do not allow the motor or other electrical components to be exposed to water.
Clean the water tank once a month for best performance and hygiene purpose.
Dispose the water from the water tank. Open the adding water cover and clean the sediments and
fouling in the water tank with mild detergent.

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