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If the problems persist despite observing the advice above, call
an authorized service technician. Repair or any warranty claim
resulting from incorrect connection or use of the appliance shall
not be covered by the warranty. In this case, the user will cover the
cost of repair.
Problem/error Solution
There is no response of
the sensors; the display is
Disconnect the appliance from the power mains for a few
minutes (undo the fuse or switch off the main switch);
then, reconnect the appliance and switch it on.
The main fuse in your home
trips often.
Call a service technician.
The oven lighting does not
The process of changing the light bulb is described in the
chapter Cleaning and Maintenance.
The pastry is underdone. Did you choose the right temperature and heating
Is the oven door closed?
Error code is displayed:
* XX denotes the number/
code of the error.
There is an error in the electronic module operation.
Disconnect the appliance from the power mains for a few
minutes. Then, reconnect it and set the time of day.
If the error is still indicated, call a service technician.
Water is not pumped into
the steam system.
Check the water level in the water tank.
Not enough water in the water tank.
Make sure the tubes on the back of the water tank and
the holes are not clogged.
Before the repair, disconnect the appliance from the power mains
(by removing the fuse or by removing the plug from the wall
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Andere handleiding(en) van Pelgrim OVS826 RVS

Pelgrim OVS826 RVS Installatiehandleiding - Alle talen - 2 pagina's

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