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installation instructions
Electrical connection (solely for appliances with a spark switch)
230 V - 50 Hz – 0.6 VA
The electrical connection must comply with national and local regulations.
Wall socket and plug must be accessible at all times.
If you want to make a fixed connection, ensure that a multi-pole switch with a
distance between contacts of 3 mm is installed in the supply cable.
Please note:
This appliance must be earthed.
If the connecting cable is damaged, it may only be replaced by the
manufacturer, the manufacturer's service organisation or equivalently qualified
persons, in order to avoid dangerous situations.
installation instructions
The fitting of the appliance should only be carried out by a registered Corgi
gas fitter.
Please note:
The type of gas and the country for which the appliance has been designed are
indicated on the ratings plate.
This is a category 3 appliance.
Gas connection
The gas connection must comply with national and local regulations.
We recommend that the hob be connected by means of a fixed pipe.
Connection using a specially designed safety hose is also permitted.
Behind an oven use must be made of a pipe made entirely out of metal.
Please note:
A safety hose may not be bent and must not come into contact with moving
parts of kitchen units.
In all cases the connection tap for the appliance must be positioned such that it
is easily accessible.
Before using the appliance for the first time check the connections using water
and washing-up liquid to ensure that there are no gas leaks.
Please note:
The bottom of the hob becomes hot.

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