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installation guide
Fitting the hob
Above a drawer or fixed decorative trim. Above a 60 cm ATAG oven.
Above an oven of another make with casing cooling.
Ensure that there is a space of at least 10 mm between a drawer and the hob.
Take care that the drawer cannot put any mechanical pressure on the
connection cable.
Make an opening in the side wall of the kitchen cupboard for leading the
connection cable through (for building-in in combination with an oven). This is
necessary when the plug can no longer be reached after building in. Wall socket
and plug must be accessible at all times.
A certain height under the worktop is necessary if the hob is installed above an
oven. This height under the worktop depends on the following:
Worktop thickness;
Installed height of the hob (see table);
Height of oven at highest point (not including the operating panel).
The required height under the worktop is the height of the oven at the highest
point plus the installed height of the hob less the worktop thickness.
Height of oven
at highest point
Worktop thickness
Installed height
of the hob
Height under
the worktop
Building in
Cut opening in worktop
Saw the opening in the worktop. This should be done very accurately (see
table). Also saw out any partitions that may be present.
The distance from the saw line to the rear wall and/or side wall is indicated in
the table.
Space to be left free around the appliance
min. 600 mm (CKT745 / CKT755)
min.750 mm (CKT770)
min. 650 mm
min. 450 mm
min. 40 mm
cooker hood
side wall
ceramic hob
min. 40 mm
installation guide
Type of hob CKT745 CKT755 CKT770
Appliance width x depth
575 x 505 mm x
600 x 510 mm x
770 x 510 mm x
Installation height from top of worktop
56 x
48 x x
Cut out dimensions width x depth
560 x 490 mm x x
750 x 490 mm x
Distance from saw line to rear wall 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm
Distance from saw line to side wall 60 mm 50 mm 50 mm

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