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Thank you for choosing a
Peg-Pérego product.
IMPORTANT: Read these instructions carefully before use
and keep for future reference.
WARNING: this product is only suitable for a child who
cannot sit up unaided.
WARNING: only use on a firm, horizontal level and dry
WARNING: do not let other children play unattended near
the product.
WARNING: do not use if any part of the Navetta PopUp is
broken, torn or missing.
Only use replacement parts supplied or approved by the
Do not use near heat sources, open flames or dangerous
objects that are within reach of the child.
Make sure that the handle is in the correct position of use,
before carrying and lifting the Navetta PopUp.
Assembly and preparation of the item must be carried out
by adults.
Before use make sure that all of the attachment
mechanisms are connected properly.
Do not insert fingers into the mechanisms.
It could be dangerous to use accessories which are not
approved by the manufacturer.
This product is designed for children from birth up to a
weight of 9 kg.
Take care when adjusting the mechanisms (handle,
backrest) with the child present.
Regularly check the handle (or the handles) and the
bottom of the carriage to make sure that there are no signs
of breakage or damage.
This product can be used with Peg-Perego Bassinet Stand.
When the stand is not in use, it must be folded and stored.
Do not use Peg-Perego Bassinet Stand with Navetta PopUp
not approved by the manufacturer .
Check that the stand is of the appropriate size to
accommodate the base of the Navetta PopUp .
WARNING: only use on a firm ground which is horizontal,
level and dry surface.
WARNING: do not let other children play unattended near
the Navetta PopUp and stand.
WARNING: do not use if any part of the stand is broken,
torn or missing.
This product is designed to hold a sleeping baby. when
the child is asleep, the bassinet backrest should be fully
WARNING To avoid injury ensure that your child is kept
away when unfolding and folding this product.
In combination with a chassis:
WARNING Ensure that all the locking devices are engaged
before use.
WARNING Check that the pram body attachment devices
are correctly engaged before use.
Check that the NAVETTA POP UP is correctly fixed to the
WARNING Never leave your child unattended.
WARNING Do not let your child play with this product.
This product is suitable for a child who cannot sit up by
itself, roll over and cannot push itself up on its hands and
knees. Maximum weight of the child: 9 Kg.
Do not add any mattress are not approved by the
WARNING This product is not suitable for running or
Instructions for use
1• OPENING THE NAVETTA POPUP: Turn the handle of the
Navetta PopUp upwards;
2• unhook the two Velcro straps on both sides as shown (Fig.
a, arrows a) and lift the Navetta PopUp upwards with the
handle (Arrow b);
3• To open and lock the base in the open position, move
the sliders from the centre of the base towards the two
extremities (Fig. c) until they click into place (Fig. d);
4• close the Velcro straps on both sides of the Navetta PopUp.

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