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My Notebook won’t switch on. What can I do?
The battery may not be suficiently charged to allow the Notebook to switch on.
Connect the Notebook to the charger (see Section 8) to recharge the battery.
How can I install Windows Updates on my Notebook?
Your Notebook checks for new updates daily (an Internet connection must be
available) and displays an appropriate message in the Action Center when
new updates are available. To ensure your Notebook is always up-to-date, it is
therefore extremely important to connect the Notebook regularly to the Internet
(see Section 16). If you selected the "Express settings" option in the start
assistant when you switched on for the irst time, the Notebook automatically
performs available updates when you shutdown (download and installation).
You can change this setting at a later point in time. To do this, call up the settings
(see Section 15) and select the method used to install updates under "Update &
security" →"Windows Update" "Advanced options"
What can I do if the internal storage of my Notebook is full or almost full?
To relieve the pressure on the internal storage of your Notebook and free up
storage space, you can transfer media iles stored on the Notebook (for example,
images, videos or text iles) to an external storage device (for example, a USB
stick or suitable memory card) or you can delete apps that you no longer require.
27. Glossary
An app (abbreviation of the word "application") or application is a program
that you can download from the Windows Store, for example, and install on
your Notebook. Games, programs for playing back images and music iles,
word processing programs and a lot more are available.
Audio Out/Mic In
This description of the audio port on your Notebook indicates that you can
connect simple headphones or earphones (audio signal out) to the port as well
as a headset with microphone (audio/microphone signal in).
Bluetooth is a standardised wireless interface on your Notebook that enables
a wireless exchange of data between your Notebook and other suitable
peripheral devices.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Peaq S140 Slim

Peaq S140 Slim Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 37 pagina's

Peaq S140 Slim Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 36 pagina's

Peaq S140 Slim Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 37 pagina's

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