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Risk of hearing loss through the use of headsets, earbuds, or headphones
The device can generate high sound levels when using headsets, earbuds, or
headphones. This may result in hearing loss if your ears are exposed to high sound
levels over an extended period of time. The higher you set the volume, the more
quickly your hearing can be damaged. Hearing loss may occur slowly over time.
Do not listen to music or other audio iles for an extended period of time
at high volumes.
Lower the volume before connecting your headset, earbuds, or headphones.
When using headsets, earbuds, or headphones, make sure the acoustic
emissions do not exceed an A-weighted sound level of 80 dB.
Always set the volume at the lowest level where you can still clearly hear
the audio track being played without causing discomfort.
Do not increase the volume once you have become accustomed to that
sound level.
Adjusting the default settings for the equalizer can boost the devices
volume levels.
Changing the settings of pre-installed software (for example, the operating
system, irmware, drivers) can also increase volume levels.
Risk of multiple injuries due to reduced attentiveness
Safety is the top priority while driving. For this reason, it is prohibited
to use the device while operating a motor vehicle.
Always be aware of your immediate surroundings to avoid putting yourself
or others at risk.
When using a headset, earbuds, or headphones in public, adjust the
volume so that you can still hear noises or sounds in your surroundings.
Distractions or being cut off from your surroundings may lead to
accidents. It is illegal to use headsets, earbuds, or headphones while
operating a motor vehicle in some regions.
Risk of interference with other electronic devices that transmit high-frequency
Switch off the device in safety or security zones where the use of mobile
devices is prohibited (e.g., when the plane is taking off or landing, in
hospitals, or near medical equipment). Obey the corresponding signs and
warnings and strictly observe the instructions contained on them.
You are allowed to use the device in airplane mode with the permission of
the light crew once the aircraft has taken off. Please note that use of the
device may interfere with the plane’s electronic navigation systems.
Refrain from using the device near other electronic devices.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Peaq S140 Slim

Peaq S140 Slim Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 37 pagina's

Peaq S140 Slim Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 36 pagina's

Peaq S140 Slim Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 37 pagina's

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