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25. Troubleshooting/FAQ
In the following, you will ind a list of frequently asked questions along with the
appropriate answers and proposed solutions.
Why does my Tablet show less storage space than indicated on the
The storage capacity indicated on the packaging and in the technical
speciications refers to the total storage capacity of your Tablet. However, a
portion of the total storage is also used by the operating system and system
Why am I getting no sound from my Tablet?
You may have connected headphones to your Tablet.
When headphones are connected, the speakers of the Tablet are automatically
Disconnect the headphones from the Tablet in order to activate the speakers
again. If there is still no sound from the speakers, check whether the sound on the
Tablet is switched on and whether the volume is set high enough.
Why is my WiFi not shown in the list of available wireless networks on my
Firstly, make sure that you have enabled the WiFi function on your Tablet and
that you are within range of the network.
If the required network is still not showing in spite of these steps, it may be
that visibility of the network has been restricted in the router settings
("suppressed SSID"). Check if this is the case in the router settings.
To connect to a network with suppressed SSID, go to the WiFi menu
via Settings and tap the three bullet points in the WiFi menu top right.
Tap "Add network" in the drop-down window that appears,
enter the network SSID and tap "Save".
Why does my Tablet just switch off sometimes?
If the energy level of the battery falls below a critical level, the Tablet displays a
corresponding warning.
If you ignore these warnings, the Tablet will turn off in order to counteract total
discharge of the battery.
Total discharge can lead to a situation where it is no longer possible to charge
the Tablet. For this reason, connect the tablet to the charger at this point at the
latest in order to prevent data loss and damage to the battery.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Peaq Pet 100

Peaq Pet 100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 41 pagina's

Peaq Pet 100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 41 pagina's

Peaq Pet 100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 41 pagina's

Peaq Pet 100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 42 pagina's

Peaq Pet 100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 42 pagina's

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