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EN 12
Using more of your TV
Using the common interface module
WARNING: Switch off your TV before inserting a
common interface module. Be sure to follow the
instruction described below. Wrong insertion of a
common interface module may damage both the
module and your TV.
Following the directions printed on the common
interface module, gently insert the module into the
common interface slot on the TV.
Push the module in as far as it will go.
Turn on the TV and wait for the common interface
function to be activated. This may take several
ote: Do not remove the common interface
module from the slot. Removing the module
will deactivate the digital services.
Accessing common interface services
After inserting and activating the common interface
module, press MENU on the remote control and
select Options > Common interface.
This menu option is only available if the common
interface module is correctly inserted and activated.
On-screen applications and content are provided by
your digital TV service operator.
Software update
Note: Connect a USB device with free capacity
above 250MB before you start software update.
Do not switch off the TV, unplug, or remove the
USB device until the upgrade is completed.
Press MENU on the remote control and select
Options > Software update. Press OK/
to enter.
- Current version: Checks the current version of the
- Product name: Displays the product name of your
- Serial number(if available): Displays the serial
number of your set.
- By network: Enables you to download and install the
latest software version from the Internet. Make sure
to set up a wired or wireless network connection first
then select By network and press OK/
to enter.
When new-version software is available, a progression
bar appears. When the download finishes, the TV will
go black and upgrade the software.
Note: Keep successful network connection during
- By channel: Enables you to install the latest version
of the software if available. Select By channel and
press OK/
to enter.
to select Yes under Auto download
to automatically download the latest software
if available. After the software has been
downloaded successfully, you will be prompted
to decide if you want to install it right now. If yes,
follow the on-screen instructions to complete
your installation. You can also select to ignore
the installation here.
Select No under Auto download to decline the
automatic download.
Select Manual download and press OK/
start manual scanning the latest software. Follow
the on-screen instructions to complete. During
the scan, press OK/EXIT to cancel or exit the
Changing to Shop or Home mode
1. Press MENU on the remote control and select
Options > Location.
2. Press
to select your location Shop or
3. Press EXIT to exit.
Note: According to the regulation of European
Commission 2009/125/EC, in Home
mode, TV will be put into standby mode
automatically if there is no operation in 4
hours. This feature can be deactivated in
Options menu.
MHEG function
Some digital TV broadcasters offer dedicated digital
text or interactive services (for example, BBC1).
These services work like normal Teletext with the
addition of number, colour and navigation buttons.
1. Press MENU on the remote control and select
Options > Subtitle > Subtitle.
2. Press
to set Subtitle to Off.
Note: MHEG and subtitles are mutually exclusive
and cannot coexist on the same screen. If
Subtitle is set to On, MHEG will not appear.
3. Press the red button or TEXT on the remote
4. Press
to select or highlight items.
5. Press OK to confirm or activate.
6. Press one of the colour buttons to select an option.
7. Press TEXT or EXIT to exit.
Viewing photos, playing music and watching
videos from a USB storage device
Your TV is fitted with a USB connector that enables
you to view photos, listen to music or watch videos
stored on a USB storage device.
Supported file formats:
Photo JPEG
Music MP3

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