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EN 8
Initial setup
Initial setup involves selecting all the settings
required to be able to search for and store all the
analogue and digital channels you can receive.
Make sure that the television is switched on and
follow all the steps in turn specified hereafter.
Note: If the channel search retrieved only the
analogue channels it could be caused by poor
broadcasting and therefore is not covered
by manufacturer warranty. Manufacturers
cannot be held responsible for lack of or poor
broadcasting in some areas.
The first time you switch the set on, the Initial setup
wizard opens, which guides you through the initial
setup process. (Refer to Figure 1.)
1. Press
to select your language, then press
to enter the next step.
2. Press
to select your country, then press
to enter the next step.
Note: If you select France, you will have to enter
the Password setting menu here in order
to set a password. Use the alphanumeric
buttons to enter a four-digit number for
your password. (0000 is too simple to be
set as your password.) Re-enter the same
code to confirm the password. After that,
you will enter the next step automatically.
(In this step, you can only press
return to the previous step.)
3. Press
to select your tuner mode
Antenna or
Cable or Satellite. (Note:
Satellite option may not be available for certain
- Select Antenna.
to enter.
•SelectDigital & Analogue, Digital or
Analogue, then press OK/
to select Scan, then press OK/
to start the automatic search for all DVB-T
digital and/or analogue channels.
- Select Cable.
to enter.
•SelectDigital & Analogue, Digital or
Analogue, then press OK/
to select Scan, then press OK/
to directly start your initial setup or enter
below step.
Select Full if available to search for and
store all DVB-C digital and analogue
mode if available (for example, Advanced ),
then configure the correct cable information
as described below. Use the alphanumeric
buttons to adjust the values for frequency,
symbol rate and network ID; use
select a modulation mode.
•PressOK to start initial setup relating to all
DVB-C digital and analogue channels.
- Select
to enter.
to select Scan, then press OK/
to enter the next step to configure proper
information relating to satellite and antenna.
•PressOK to start initial setup relating to all
satellite channels.
Note: To prevent the channel setup process from
being interrupted, wait for the message
indicating that the setup is complete.
4. Before starting the scanning, you can also select
Skip scan to skip the initial setup process.
5. During the setup, you can follow the hints
available at the bottom of the screen to return to
the previous step by pressing
. Or press EXIT
to exit or interrupt the search halfway.
6. Once the automatic search ends, the set enters
the next step automatically. Press
to select
your location Shop or Home. Press OK/
confirm your selection and enter the last step.
7. - In this step, you can press OK to exit the initial
setup. The channels are arranged in a preset
order. If you wish to skip channels, modify the
preset order or rename channels, select
Setup > Organiser and press OK/
to enter.
- In this step, you can also press
to return to
the previous step.
Performing an automatic channel search
This section describes how to search and store
channels automatically. Instructions are for both
analogue and digital channels.
1. Press MENU on the remote control and select
Setup > Language > Menu language. Press
to select your desired menu language.
2. Press MENU to return to Setup, press
select Country, then press
to select your
country. The TV installs and arranges channels
according to your country.
3. Press
to select Tuner mode, then press
to select
Antenna, Cable or
Satellite. (Note: Satellite option may not be
available for certain models.)
- Select
to select Channel install, and
press OK/
to enter.
•SelectAutomatic search (Refer to Figure 2.),
then press OK/
to display Automatic
•PressOK to skip the country selection and
enter the next step. Or use
to reselect
your country, then press OK to enter.
Installing channels Chapter 3

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