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Using more of your TV
Shortcut operation: Press FAV on the remote
control to directly enter Channel list selection.
Energy saving
Press MENU on the remote control and select
Picture > ECO Settings > Energy Saving.
to select a desired power saving
mode to achieve the desired power saving effect.
3. Press EXIT to close the menu.
Shortcut operation: Press ECO on the remote
control to select a desired power saving mode
Viewing TV using the 3D function
(* not available for some models)
Some viewers may experience discomfort while t
viewing 3D TV such as dizziness, nausea and
headaches. If you experience any such symptom,
stop viewing 3D TV, remove your 3D glasses and
Watching 3D videos too closely or for a long period t
of time may harm your eyesight.
A responsible adult should frequently check on t
children who are using the 3D function.
Do not use the 3D glasses for any other purpose t
than viewing 3D videos on a 3D TV.
Do not use the 3D function or 3D glasses while t
walking or moving around, otherwise it may result
in injuries due to running into objects, tripping, and/
or falling.
Press MENU on the remote control and select
Picture > 3D, then press OK/
to enter. (Refer to
Figure 4.)
2. 3D Mode:
Wear the 3D glasses first, then press
to select the right 3D input format among
Top and Bottom, Side-by-Side, 2D-to-3D, Line
interleave and Frame sequential for the playing
3D video.
3. L-R Switch:
On or Off
to adjust the 3D
video for the left and right eyes with better
4. Depth of Field:
Adjust the stereoscopic effect of
the 3D image converted from 2D image.
5. 3D-to-2D:
Select Left or Right to display the
image for the left or right eye only. This function is
deactivated when 3D Mode is set to 2D-to-3D or
6. Press EXIT to close the menu.
- 3D glasses from other manufacturers may not be
- All photo functions are disabled in 3D mode.
- If changing to a different signal source or
accessing the SmartTV, 3D mode will be
automatically disabled.
- Some 3D modes may not be available depending
on the input format of the 3D video source.
- Supported 3D modes:
ATV, AV, YPbPr: 2D-to-3D
DTV, HDMI, USB, Videos from the Internet: Top
and Bottom, Side-by-Side, 2D-to-3D, Line
interleave, Frame sequential
- 3D function in USB mode: During the playback
of a selected video from USB, press MENU
to display the video menu in the browser
mode, then select 3D Mode. For more
detail information, refer to the above related
Audio description
Audio description refers to an additional narration
track for Blind and visually impaired viewers of visual
media, including television programmes and movies.
The description narrator talks through the
presentation describing what is happening on the
screen during the natural pauses in the audio (and
during dialogue if deemed necessary).
You can use this feature if the current broadcast
contains audio description.
Press MENU on the remote control and select
Press OK to enter.
to select Type and
to set Visually
impaired. The speakers, headphones and
volume level can be adjusted by using the visually
impaired menu.
PAP function
Use this function to display the pictures from different
source inputs side by side. Note that one window is
for both analogue and digital TV inputs, the other is
for VGA, HDMI and YPbPr inputs. (Note: Not available
for AV-Scart on both windows.)
1. Press MENU to display the main menu.
2. Select PAP and press OK to enter.
3. Select the PAP option, and press
to turn on/
off PAP function.
4. Select TV position, press
to reposition the
TV window.
5. Press
to toggle the focus window.
6. When the focus is on the TV window, the
alphanumeric buttons and P+/- work in TV. When
the focus is on the other window, P+/- switches
available external sources.
Using subtitles
You can enable subtitles for each TV channel.
Subtitles are broadcast via Teletext or DVB-T/DVB-C
digital broadcasts. With digital broadcasts, you have
the additional option of selecting a preferred subtitle
Chapter 5

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