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•Do not touch, press or rub the sur-
face of the product with sharp or
hard objects.
•To reduce the risk of fire or electric
shock, do not expose the device to
rain or humidity.
•Do not impede ventilation by cov-
ering the ventilation openings with
items, such as newspapers, table-
cloths, curtains, etc. Do not insert
any objects.
•No naked flame sources, such as
lighted candles, should be placed
on the product.
•Make sure no objects or liquids
penetrate through openings into the
•Never immerse electric parts of the
product in water or other liquids
while cleaning or using it. Never
place the product under running
•Do not place the product in the vi-
cinity of devices producing strong
magnetic fields (for example motors,
loudspeakers, transformers).
•Do not expose the product to di-
rect sunlight, humidity, dirt, hot light
sources or strong magnetic fields.
Do not expose the product to high
temperatures and strong vibrations
and avoid high mechanical stress.
•The product may not function prop-
erly or not react to the operation of
any control due to electrostatic dis-
charge. Switch o and disconnect
the product; reconnect/switch on
after a few seconds.
•If the product shows damages, do
not use it any longer and have it re-
paired by a qualified technician, or
contact our customer service depart-
ment. Do not disassemble the prod-
uct, and do not try to repair it yourself.
•The light source contained in this lu-
minaire shall only be replaced by the
manufacturer or his service agent or
a similar qualified person.
•Attention! Please do not look di-
rectly into the light emanating from
the LED. Do not point the LED light
directly into the eyes.
•This product shall be charged by an
approved independent SELV power
supply (EN 61347-2-13):
With output voltage equal to rated
voltage of this product; and
With output power at least equal
to rated power of this product; and
With protection index of IPX4 or
above for the power supply, the
mains plug can be using an IPX4
•Remove the batteries from the
product before disposal.
•The product must be disconnected
from the supply mains when remov-
ing the battery.
•Battery must be disposed safely and
environmentally friendly manner.
IM_PPA55BT_BL_160413_V04_HR.indb 22 13/4/16 5:06 PM

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