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Safety Instructions
• Read this user guide care-
fully before first use. It
contains important safety
information as well as in-
structions for the use and
care of the device. Save
the guide for later reference
and include it with the de-
vice when transferring it to
a third party.
• To avoid dangerous situ-
ations, do not use device
for any purpose other than
those described in the in-
structions. Improper use is
dangerous and voids the
• This product is not intend-
ed to be used by persons
(including children) with re-
duced physical, sensory or
mental abilities or lack of
experience and / or lack of
knowledge unless they are
supervised by a person re-
sponsible for their safety or
have received instructions
on how to use the product.
• Children should be super-
vised to ensure that they do
not play with the product.
• Never expose rechargeable
batteries to excessive heat
(e.g. bright sun, fire), and
never throw them into fire.
The rechargeable batteries
could explode.
• The rechargeable battery
is permanently built into
the product and cannot be
• Never damage the re-
chargeable battery. Dam-
aging the casing of the
rechargeable battery might
cause an explosion or a fire!
• Never short-circuit the
contacts of the recharge-
able battery. Do not throw
the rechargeable battery
or the product into fire.
There is a danger of fire and
• Charge the rechargeable
battery regularly, even if you
are not using the product.
Due to the rechargeable
battery technology being
used, you do not need to
discharge the rechargeable
battery first.
• Never charge the re-
chargeable battery of the
product unattended.
• Use only under normal room
conditions (temperature
and humidity).
• The product is intended
to be used in moderate
climates only. Do not use
in tropical or very humid
IM_PPA33BT_150731_V05_HR.indb 26 31/7/15 2:20 PM

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