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Important Safety Instructions. Please read
the instructions carefully and keep them for
later use.
DANGER! Invisible laser radiation
when open and safety interlock
failed or defeated. Avoid direct ex-
posure to the beam. Do not touch the lens.
The lightning flash with arrow
head within an equilateral triangle
is intended to alert the user to the
presence of uninsulated “dangerousvoltage”
within the product’s enclosure that may be
of sucient magnitude to constitute a risk of
electric shock to persons and animals.
The exclamation point within an
equilateral triangle is intended to
alert the user to the presence of
important operating and maintenance in-
structions in the literature accompanying the
For safety reasons, this class II
product is provided with double or
reinforced insulation as indicated
by this symbol.
Danger! Excessive sound pressure
from earphones and headphones
can cause hearing loss. If you listen
to loud music for a long time, your hearing
may be impaired. Set to a moderate volume.
This product is only intended for audio
entertainment. Do not use the product for
any other purpose than described in this
manual in order to avoid any hazardous
situation. Improper use is dangerous and
will void any warranty claim.
For household use only. Do not use
Danger! Excessive sound pressure from
earphones and headphones can cause
hearing loss. If you listen to loud music for
a long time, your hearing may be impaired.
Set to a moderate volume.
Danger of suocation! Keep all packag-
ing material away from children.
Only use under normal room temperature
and humidity conditions.
The product is only suitable for use at
moderate degrees of latitude. Do not
use in the tropics or in particularly humid
Do not move the product from cold into
warm places and vice versa. Condensa-
tion can cause damage to the product and
electrical parts.
Do not use attachments or accessories
other than recommended by the manu-
facturer or sold with this product. Install in
accordance with this user manual.
Do not install near any heat sources such
as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other
products (including amplifiers) that pro-
duce heat.
Do not shift or move the product when
powered on.
Do not touch, push or rub the surface
of the product with any sharp or hard
Danger! To reduce the risk of fire or elec-
tric shock, do not expose this product to
rain or moisture.
The product shall not be exposed to drip-
ping or splashing and no objects filled with
liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on
the product.
Care should be taken so that no objects
or liquids enter the enclosure through
No naked flame sources, such as lighted
candles, should be placed on the product.
Refer all servicing to authorised service
agent. Do not attempt to repair the prod-
uct yourself. Servicing is required when
the product has been damaged in any
Safety instructions
IM_PDR350BT_1_150930_V04_HR.indb 48 30/9/15 4:38 PM

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    hoe zet ik hem aan en hoe kan nederlandse zenders vinden
    J.h. aan de Stegge Rosaweydelaan 128 3454 BS De Meernb senior1930@gmail.com Gesteld op 10-9-2019 om 17:13

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