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Here you can list all Podcasts according to
genre and country.
1. Press Menu.
2. Select Podcast and press Select, in or-
der to confirm the selection
3. Select a desired station.
You can register for free via the website
http://www.wifiradio-frontier.com. This is
where you can register your Internet redio us-
ing the access code. You receive the access
code in the following menu point “Other. Via
this website, you can create groupings for fa-
vourites lists, add new Internet radio stations
for your Internet radio and synchronise your
station lists with other internet radios.
If you have saved Podcasts via the website
http://www.wifiradio-frontier.com, you can
call them up here.
Select this entry to receive the access code
for your Internet radio with which you can
register yourself on the website http://www.
Your Internet radio supports the UPnP-Pro-
tocol “Universal Plug-and-Play” and DLNA
(Digital Living Network Alliance). You can
transfer audio files to your PC wirelessly to
your Internet radio if a UPnP software is in-
stalled. Using the UPnP / DLNA protocol, the
Internet radio can be used as Digital Media
Renderer (DMR). So you can play music files
from UPnP / DLNA compliant devices on the
Internet and radio, and, for example, adjust
the volume from the computer.
Connection Between Internet radio and a
Media Server (NAS-Server, UPnP/DLNA
Compatible Server)
1. Open the main menu and select Media
2. Select from there the entry Media Li-
brary/Library, in order to find available
media servers.
3. The radio starts the initialisation process.
4. After a few seconds, the media server
name is inserted provided it has been
found: “PC_Name: Media Server-Name”
5. If you want to connect the media server
with the radio, click on the entry of the
You might need to confirm and allow the
connection on your PC.
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