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The following types of discs can be played
on this unit: Blu-ray Disc, DVD-video Disc
(DVD-ROM), Audio CDs (CDDA), DVD-RW,
This unit can play back DVD-R, DVD-RW,
DVD+R and DVD+RW as long as they have
video content. However, some discs can-
not be played depending on the recording
Never put anything except a 5-inch (12 cm)
or 3-inch (8 cm) CD or DVD into the disc
Fingerprints and dust should be carefully
wiped from the signal surface of the disc
(glossy side) with a soft cloth. Wipe in a
straight motion from the center to the out-
side of the disc.
Never use chemicals such as record clean-
ing sprays, antistatic sprays or fluids, ben-
zene or thinner to clean the discs. These
chemicals will permanently damage the
plastic surface of the disc.
To remove a disc from its storage case, press
down on the center of the case and lift the
disc out, holding it carefully by the edges.
Discs should be returned to their cases after
use to protect them dust and scratches.
To prevent warping the disc, do not expose
it to direct sunlights, high humidity or high
temperatures for extended periods of time.
Do not apply paper or write anything on ei-
ther side of the disc. Sharp writing instru-
ments, or the inks used in some felt-tip pens,
may damage the surface of the disc.
The appliance features the following soft-
ware support functions:
USB update, disc update and online up-
1. Get the update file and save it, for exam-
ple, in the root menu of the USB storage
2. Connect the USB device and power on
the appliance.
3. The appliance will mention whether there
is an update for the player.
4. Chose YES for updating (if available).
Alternatively, connect LAN cable and the
update will start automatically.

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