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Using BD-Live features
Some (but certainly not all) BD discs contain
additional features that are made available
to players that are connected to the internet,
and have additional memory added.
These additional features may include the
ability to download new movie trailers,
additional 'commentary' by actors and
directors, or multi-person game play and
In order to access BD-Live functions, the
player must be properly configured for
BD-Live internet access, and it must be
equipped with additional memory.
1. Adding additional BD-Live memory to
the player
In order to set the player up for BD-Live
Internet Access, perform the following
1) Obtain a 1Gbyte USB Stick. Insert it into a
PC drive, and make sure that it is formatted
as FAT32.
2) Insert the USB memory stick into the USB
slot on the player.
2. Setting up the player for BD-Live
internet access
In order to set the player up for BD-Live
Internet Access, perform the following
1) In the BD Player’s main setup menu, go
to the “BD-Live” menu choice; Then, choose
“BD-Live Internet Access”. Be sure that
“Limit Access” or “Always Allow Access” is
2) Once the USB memory stick has been
inserted, if there is not at least 100Mbyte of
free space on the device, you should choose
“Erase Blu-ray Storage” from the “BD-Live”
setup menu item.
3) In the BD Player’s main setup menu, go to
the ‘Network’ menu choice; Then, choose
“IP mode”. Set up the Network IP addresses
per your router’s or ISPs recommendations.
NOTE: The ‘Network Test’ must pass, or
you are not connected to the internet, and
cannot access BD-Live Content on the
3. Example BD-Live usage
1) Select the BD-Live option from the
2) In a few minutes, you will get to the BD-
Live Menu.
3) You can select the content to download
from the Previews sub menu. The download
could take up to 10 minutes, depending on
the content size and network speed.
4) The downloaded content is stored
under My Downloads. You can choose to
either play back or delete the downloaded
4. BD-LIVE Notes
1) The Broadcom Reference system only
supports the connection of USB memory in
order to fulfill the BD 2.0 1GByte memory
requirement. Any externally connected drive
will become the default storage for BD-Live
content, and the internal storage will be
2) You must have the BD-Live disc in
the player to play any related (already
downloaded) content.
3) Some BD-Live content could expire and
will not play.
The user will occasionally need to manually
delete the contents in storage in order to
free space. This can be done from the BD
player’s main setup menu, under the “BD-
Live” submenu item. (Select “Erase Blu-ray
A clock is not used to manage the expiration
of downloaded BD-live content. Instead,
time and expiration of content is managed
by the BD-Live server on the internet.

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