Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Introduction .................................4
Intended use ................................ 4
General description ......................5
Extent of the delivery ........................ 5
Overview ........................................ 5
Function description.......................... 5
Technical data .............................. 6
Safety information ....................... 6
Symbols .......................................... 6
General safety instructions for power
tools ............................................... 7
Correct handling of the battery
charger ......................................... 10
Charging process .......................10
Charging the battery ...................... 11
Initial Operation .........................11
Switching ON and OFF .................. 11
Checking the charge status of the
rechargeable battery ...................... 11
Set the direction of rotation ............. 11
Inserting/replacing bits ................... 12
Torque setting ................................ 12
Handle setting ............................... 12
Use as a torch ............................... 12
Cleaning/Maintenance ...............12
Cleaning ....................................... 12
Maintenance ................................. 13
Storage ......................................13
Disposal and the environment ....13
Spare parts/Accessories ............. 13
Guarantee .................................14
Repair Service ............................15
Service-Center ............................15
Importer .................................... 15
Translation of the original EC
declaration of conformity ........... 93
Congratulations on the purchase of your
new device. With it, you have chosen a
high quality product. During production,
this equipment has been checked for qual-
ity and subjected to a nal inspection. The
functionality of your equipment is therefore
The operating instructions constitute
part of this product. They contain
important information on safety, use
and disposal.
Before using the product, familiarise
yourself with all of the operating
and safety instructions. Use the
product only as described and for
the applications specied. Keep this
manual safely and in the event that
the product is passed on, hand over
all documents to the third party.
Intended use
The device is intended for drilling screws in
and out in wood, metal or plastic and for
light drilling operations. The device is not
suitable for commercial use.
Any other use not specically mentioned
in this manual can lead to damage to the
unit and may present a serious hazard to
the user.
The manufacturer will not be held respon-
sible for damage or injuries caused by use
outside that stipulated by the manual or by
improper handling.

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