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Technical data
Rated input voltage ....230-240 V~, 50 Hz
Idling speed n
..................50-3000 min
Power input (power consumption) ...500 W
Blow count ...................max. 48000 min
Speed ................................max. 7.5 Nm
Max. absorption capacity
of the drill chuck ...................... Ø 13 mm
Drill chucking capacity............... 2-13 mm
Max. drill diameter
in wood ................................... 25 mm
in concrete ............................... 10 mm
in steel ....................................... 8 mm
Protection class .................................
Protection category...........................IP20
Weight (incl. accessories) ...approx. 1.8 kg
Sound pressure level
) ................... 93 dB(A); K
=3 dB(A)
Sound power level (L
measured ......... 104 dB(A); K
=3 dB(A)
Vibration (a
Drilling in metal ..................... 4.8 m/s
Impact drilling in concrete ..... 15.1 m/s
K=1.5 m/s
Noise and vibration values have been
determined according to the standards and
regulations mentioned in the declaration of
Technical and optical changes may be
undertaken in the course of further devel-
opment without notice. All dimensions,
references and information in this instruc-
tion manual are therefore not guaranteed.
Legal claims made on the basis of the
instruction manual can therefore not be
considered as valid.
The stated vibration emission value was
measured in accordance with a standard
testing procedure and may be used to com-
pare one power tool to another.
The stated vibration emission value may
also be used for a preliminary exposure
Warning: The vibration emission
value may differ during actual use
of the power tool from the stated
value depending on the manner in
which the power tool is used.
Safety precautions aimed at protect-
ing the user should be based on
estimated exposure under actual
usage conditions (all parts of the
operating cycle are to be consid-
ered, including, for example, times
during which the power tool is
turned off and times when the tool
is turned on but is running idle).
Safety instructions
Ensure that the safety instructions are ob-
served when operating the appliance.
Symbols in the manual
Warning symbols with in-
formation on damage and
injury prevention.
Instruction symbols (the instruction is
explained at the place of the excla-
mation mark) with information on
preventing damage.
Help symbols with information on
improving tool handling.

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