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General safety advice for electrical power toolsGeneral safety advice for electrical power tools
Careful handling and use
of electrical power tools
a) Do not overload the device. Always
use an electrical power tool that is
intended for the task you are under-
taking. By using the right electrical power
tool for the job you will work more safely and
achieve a better result.
b) Do not use an electrical power tool if
its switch is defective. An electrical power
tool that can no longer be switched on and off
is dangerous and must be repaired.
c) Pull the mains plug from the socket
before you make any adjustments to
the device, change accessories or when
the device is put away. This precaution is
intended to prevent you from unintentionally
starting the device.
d) When not in use always ensure that
electrical power tools are kept out of
reach of children. Do not let anyone use
the device if he or she is not familiar
with it or has not read the instructions
and advice. Electrical power tools are dan-
gerous when they are used by inexperienced
e) Look after the device carefully. Check
that moving parts are working prop-
erly and move freely. Check for any
parts that are broken or damaged
enough to detrimentally affect the
functioning of the device. Have dam-
aged parts repaired before you use
the device. Many accidents have their origins
in poorly maintained electrical power tools.
f) Keep cutting tools clean and sharp.
Carefully maintained cutting tools with sharp
cutting edges are less likely to jam and are
easier to control.
g) Use the electrical power tool, accesso-
ries, inserted tools etc. in accordance
with these instructions and advice, and
the stipulations drawn up for this par-
ticular type of device. In doing this, take
into account the working conditions
and the task in hand. The use of electrical
power tools for purposes other than those in-
tended can lead to dangerous situations.
5. Service
a) Have your device repaired at the ser-
vice centre or by qualified specialist
personnel using original manufacturer
parts only. This will ensure that your device
remains safe to use.
Safety advice for
hammer-action drills
Use the auxiliary handle supplied
with the device. Loss of control of the tool
can lead to injury.
Always wear ear protection
when using percussion drills.
Exposure to noise can cause hearing
Secure the workpiece. Use clamps or a
vice to grip the workpiece firmly.
If a dangerous situation arises, pull
the mains plug immediately out of the
mains socket.
Always work with the mains lead
leading away from the rear of the
Do not allow the ventilation slots to
become covered while the device is
operating. Do not insert any objects into the
ventilation slots.
ING SPARKS! Drilling or abrading
metal creates flying sparks.
Always make sure that nobody is placed in
any danger and that there are no inflammable
materials near the working area.
Working with harmful / poisonous dusts presents
a danger to health for the tool operator and
any persons in the vicinity.
Wear safety glasses and a
dust protection mask!

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