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Impact drill PSBM 500
Please make sure you familiarise yourself
fully with the way the device works before
you use it for the first time and that you
understand how to handle electrical power tools
correctly. To help you do this please read the accom-
panying operating instructions. Keep these instructions
in a safe place. If you pass the device on to anyone
else, please ensure that you also pass on all the
Proper use
The tool is intended for Impact drilling into brick,
concrete and stone as well as drilling into wood,
metal, ceramics and plastic (see Fig. B-E). The
clockwise / counter clockwise rotation direction
switch also allows the device to be used as a driver.
Any other use or modification to the device shall be
considered as improper use and could give rise to
considerable risk of accident. The manufacturer will
not accept liability for loss or damage arising from
improper use. The device is not intended for com-
mercial use.
Quick-action drill chuck
Front casing
Back casing
Changeover switch “drill / percussion drill”
Locking button for ON / OFF switch
ON / OFF switch
Rotational direction switch
Depth stop
Wing screw
Additional handle (see Fig. A)
The following pictograms are used in these operating instructions / on the device:
Read instruction manual!
Observe caution and safety notes!
Impact drilling
Caution electric shock!
Danger to life!
Wear hearing protection, dust protection
mask, protective gloves and protective
Explosive material!
Keep children away from electrical
power tools!
Risk of fire! For indoor use only!
Volt (AC)
Check that the device, mains lead
and plug are in good condition!
Watts (Effective power)
Dispose packaging and appliance in
an environmentally-friendly way!
Safety class II Quick-release chuck
35321_IMPACT DRILL_Content_LB6.indd 6 03.09.09 12:03

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Andere handleiding(en) van Parkside PSBM 500 - KH 3035

Parkside PSBM 500 - KH 3035 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français - 33 pagina's

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