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blade or lift it on the cutting
blade. Contact with the cutting blade
can cause injuries.
Carefully inspect the area to be cut and
remove all wires or other foreign bodies.
Additional safety instructions
Connect the appliance to a power
socket with a residual current circuit
breaker of rated residual current no
more than 30 mA.
If the replacement of the supply
cord is necessary, this has to be
done by the manufacturer or his
agent in order to avoid a safety
Do not use the equipment
without the hand guard.
Wear suitable clothing and
work gloves when working
with the equipment. Wear
eye and ear protection. En-
sure that the equipment is
functional before each use.
There is a risk of personal in-
jury and property damage!
The On/Off switch and the
safety switch must not be
held closed. They must switch
off the motor when on is
released. Should a switch
be damaged, stop working
with the equipment. Ensure
that the mains voltage value
matches the label on the
equipment. There is a risk of
electric shock!
Note noise protection and local
Switching On and Off
Remove the blade protection
(10) before switching the unit
Ensure that you are standing in a
rm position with both hands grip-
ping the hedge trimmer away from
the body.
Ensure that the trimmer is in contact
with no other objects before switch-
ing on.
In this way you avoid damage to
the appliance and possible injury
to people.
1. For tension relief of the cable, form a
loop of the end of the extension cable
and bring this through the opening at
the handle and suspend in the tension
relief at the grip (7).
2. Connect the device to the mains volt-
3. To switch on, press and hold the safety
switch on the front handgrip (4) while
pressing the on/off switch (6) on the
handgrip. The hedge trimmer runs at
top speed.
4. Release one of the two switches to
switch the trimmer off.
Working with the Electric
Hedge Trimmer
During cutting work, ensure that no
contact is made with objects, e.g.
such as wire fencing or main plant
stems. This may result in damage to
the cutter bar.
Switch off the equipment immediately
in the event that the blades are blocked
by solid objects, pull out the power
plug then remove the object.

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