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PABH 20-Li B2
Attaching/disconnecting the battery
pack to/from the appliance
Inserting the battery pack:
Push the rotation direction switch
into the
middle position (lock). Allow the battery pack
to click into the handle.
Removing the battery pack:
Press the release button
and remove the
battery pack .
Push the rotation direction switch
the middle position before carrying out
any work on the power tool (e.g. mainten-
ance, tool-changing, etc.) as well as during
carriage and storage of the power tool.
Unintentional activation of the On/Off
switch can result in injury.
Selecting a tool
For hammer drilling, you will need an SDS-plus
drilling tool.
For standard drilling in wood, metal, ceramics
and plastic, you can use an appropriate SDS-
plus drilling tool or a tool with a hexagonal
For screwing, use the screwdriver bits
you can attach using the SDS bit adapter .
You can use the SDS-plus tool holder to
change tools quickly and easily without the
need for any additional tools.
The SDS-plus drilling tool moves freely (depend-
ing on the system). This leads to a radial run-out
deviation while idling. This has no effect on the
accuracy of the drill hole as the drill centres
itself during drilling.
The SDS-plus bit adapter
can also hold dif-
ferent types of drills with hexagonal shanks.
The dust protection cap
largely prevents the
entry of drilling dust into tool holder during
operation. Ensure that the dust protection cap
does not get damaged when fitting tools.
A damaged dust protection cap
be replaced immediately. We recommend
having this done by a customer service
Fitting an SDS tool
Grease the tool holder slightly before insert-
ing the tool.
Insert the tool rotatingly into the tool holder
until it clicks into place.
Check that the tool is properly locked by pulling it.
The system has radial play because of the design.
Removing an SDS tool
Pull the locking sleeve backwards and re-
move the tool.
Fitting a tool with a hexagonal shank
Insert the SDS bit adapter into the tool holder
until it clicks into place.
Check that the SDS bit adapter
is properly
locked by pulling it. The SDS bit adapter has
radial play because of the design.
Pull the locking sleeve
of the SDS bit adapter
backwards and insert the tool with the hex-
agonal shank in the tool holder .
Release the locking sleeve
of the SDS bit
adapter . This locks the holder. Check that
the tool with the hexagonal shank is properly
locked by pulling it. The tool with the hexagonal
shank has radial play because of the design.
Removing a tool with a hexagonal
Pull the locking sleeve backwards and remove
the tool with the hexagonal shank.

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