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2 VQT2R48 VQT2R48 3
Quick start guide Contents
The battery is not charged
when the camera is
shipped. Charge the
battery and set the Clock
before use.
When you do not use the
card (optional), you can
record or play back pictures
on the built-in memory (16).
Charge the battery
Insert the battery and
the card
Turn on the power
Set REC/PLAY switch
Set the mode dial to
Press the shutter button and take pictures
Press halfway
(press lightly to focus)
Press fully
(press the button all the
way to record)
To play back the pictures
Previous Next
1. Set REC/PLAY switch
to .
2. Select the picture you
want to view.
Before use
Before use ..............................................6
Read first .......................................................6
To prevent damage, malfunctions,
and faults .......................................................7
About GPS
.................................... 8
Standard Accessories ........................... 8
Names of parts
Cursor button ................................................9
Names of parts .......................10
Cursor button ..............................................10
Charging battery .................................. 11
Guidelines for number of recordable
pictures and recording time .........................12
Inserting and removing the card
(optional)/the battery ........................... 14
Using the DC coupler (optional) instead of
battery .........................................................15
Picture save destination
(cards and built-in memory) ........................16
Remaining battery and memory capacity ....16
Setting the Clock ...................17
To change time setting ................................18
Setting the Clock .................... 19
Setting the menu .................................20
Menu type ...................................................21
Using the [SETUP] menu ...............22
[CUST.SET MEM.] .................................22
[GUIDE LINE]/ [HISTOGRAM] ..........23
[ECONOMY] ..........................................24
[NO.RESET] ..........................................25
[VIDEO OUT]/ [TV ASPECT] .............26
[VIERA Link] ..........................27
[LANGUAGE] ......................................... 28
[DEMO MODE] .....................................29
Basic shooting operation .....30
Taking still pictures ......................................30
Recording motion pictures ..........................30
Holding the camera .....................................31
Mode dial .....................................................31
Basic shooting operation ...... 32
Taking still pictures ......................................32
Recording motion pictures (
only) ..........32
Holding the camera .....................................33
Mode dial .....................................................33
Taking pictures with automatic
settings .................................................34
About Happy colours ...................................36
Face Detection and Face Recognition ........36
AF Tracking .................................................36
Taking pictures with your own
settings .................................................37
Align focus for desired composition ............38
Orientation detection function .....................38
Taking pictures with zoom ..................39
[i.ZOOM] ......................................................41
Easy Zoom
................................... 42
[DIGITAL ZOOM] ...................................43
Viewing your pictures
[NORMAL PLAY] ..................................44
Deleting pictures .................................45
To delete multiple (up to 50) or
all pictures ...................................................45

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic lumix dmc tz10

Panasonic lumix dmc tz10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 90 pagina's

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