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Take special care to follow the safety suggestions listed below.
1) Do not use this unit near waterfor example, near a bathtub, washbowl, sink,
etc. Damp basements should also be avoided.
2) The unit should be kept away from heat sources such as radiators, kitchen
range, etc. It also should not be placed in rooms where the temperature is less
than 5°C or greater than 40°C.
1) Do not place heavy objects on top of this unit.
2) Care should be taken so that objects do not fall onto, and liquids are not spilled
into the unit. Do not subject this unit to excessive smoke, dust, mechanical
vibration or shock.
3) Place the unit on a at surface.
To reduce the risk of re or injury to persons, read and follow these instructions.
1. Use only the battery(ies) specied.
2. Do not dispose of the battery(ies) in a re. It (they) may explode.
3. Do not open or mutilate the battery(ies). Released electrolyte is corrosive and
may cause burns or injury to the eyes or skin. The electrolyte may be toxic if
4. Exercise care in handling the battery(ies) in order not to short the battery(ies)
to conductive materials such as rings, bracelets, and keys. The battery(ies)
and/or conductor may overheat and cause burns.
5. Do not recharge the battery(ies) provided with or identied for use with this
product. The battery(ies) may leak corrosive electrolyte or explode.
6. Do not attempt to rejuvenate the battery(ies) provided with or identied for use
with this product by heating. Sudden release of battery electrolyte may occur
causing burns or irritation to the eyes or skin.
7. Replace all batteries at the same time. Mixing fresh and discharged batteries
could increase internal cell pressure and rupture the discharged batteries.
(Applies to products employing more than one separately replaceable primary
8. When installing batteries observe the proper polarity or direction. Incorrect
installation can cause charging, and may result in leakage or explosion.
(Applies to products employing more than one separately replaceable primary
9. Remove the battery(ies) from this product if the product will not be used for a
long period of time (several months or more). During this time the battery(ies)
could leak in the product.
10. Discard the dead battery(ies) as soon as possible. The dead battery(ies) may
leak in the product.
11. Do not store this product, or the battery(ies) provided with or identied for use
with this product, in high temperature areas. Batteries that are stored in a
freezer or refrigerator for the purpose of extending shelf life should be
protected from condensation during storage and defrosting. Batteries should
be stabilized at room temperature prior to use after cold storage.
Safety Instructions

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  • Ik heb een Panasonic telefoontoestel model KX-TSC10NLB. Op het toestel staat kiesblokkering aan. Ik heb geen pincode, hoe kan ik dit toestel deblokkeren? Gesteld op 17-4-2020 om 09:35

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  • Ik heb op mijn toestel een toetsblokkering, maar ik weet de pincode niet en kan daarom de blokkering niet opheffen.
    Kan ik het toestel terugzetten naar fabrieksinstellingen? Zo ja, hoe?
    Of is er een andere manier om de toetsblokkering op te heffen?

    Hoor het graag!

    Met vriendelijke groet,
    Gerdie Kreunen Gesteld op 6-1-2014 om 12:47

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