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Useful Information
Helpline Tel. No.: U.K. 08700 100 076 R.O.I. 01289 8333
Conditions of guarantee
Receipt No. Date of purchase
Model No. Serial No.
his guarantee is in addition to and does not in any way affect any statutory or other rights
f consumer purchasers. If within the applicable guarantee period, the appliance proves to
be defective by reason of faulty design, workmanship or materials, we undertake subject to
he following conditions to have the defective appliance (or any part or parts there of)
repaired or replaced free of charge.
1. The appliance shall have been purchased and used solely within either the UK or ROI
and in accordance with standard operating instructions and the technical and/or Safety
Standards required in the UK.
. The appliance should be returned together with this guarantee and proof of date of
purchase promptly on being found defective at the purchaser’s risk and expense to the
authorised dealer from whom the appliance was purchased or to the nearest authorised
dealer. All enquires must be through such dealers.
3. This guarantee shall not apply to damage caused through fire, accident, lightning,
misuse, wear and tear, neglect, incorrect adjustment or repair, to damage caused
through installation, adaption, modification or use in an improper manner or inconsistent
with the technical and/or safety standards required in the country where this appliance
is used, or to damage occurred during transit to or from the purchaser.
. If at any time during the guarantee period any part or parts of the appliance are
replaced with a part or parts not supplied or approved by us or of an objective quality
safe and suitable for the appliance, or the appliance has been dismantled or repaired by
any person not authorised by us, we shall have the right to terminate this guarantee in
whole or in part immediately without further notice.
5. The purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy under this guarantee against us is for the
repair or replacement of the appliance or any defective part or parts and no other
remedy, including, but not limited to, incidental or consequential damage or loss of
whatsoever nature shall be available to the purchaser.
6. This guarantee shall not apply to batteries and any other items of limited natural life.
7. Our decision on all matters relating to complaints shall be final. Any appliance or
defective part which has been replaced shall become our property.
8. The guarantee period applicable to this product shall be 12 months.
Please keep these operating instructions with your receipt.
Panasonic Business Systems U.K.
TG9120_40_50E(e).book Page 65 Wednesday, August 2, 2006 4:54 PM

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