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Operation manual
U-5~18MX4 + U-8~16ME4
M + U-8~16ME4 + U-4~6ML5
Urban Multi air conditioner
Do not use the air conditioner for other purposes.
In order to avoid any quality deterioration, do not use the unit for
cooling precision instruments, food, plants, animals or works of
In order to avoid injury, do not remove the fan guard of the
outdoor unit.
To avoid oxygen deficiency, ventilate the room sufficiently if
equipment with burner is used together with the air conditioner.
After a long use, check the unit stand and fitting for damage.
If damaged, the unit may fall and result in injury.
Do not place a flammable spray bottle near the air conditioner
and do not use sprays.
Doing so may result in a fire.
Before cleaning, be sure to stop the operation, turn the breaker
off or pull out the supply cord.
Otherwise, an electric shock and injury may result.
Do not operate the air conditioner with a wet hand.
An electric shock may result.
Do not place items which might be damaged by moisture under
the indoor unit.
Condensation may form if the humidity is above 80%, if the drain
outlet is blocked or the filter is polluted.
Do not place appliances which produce open fire in places
exposed to the air flow from the unit or under the indoor unit. It
may cause incomplete combustion or deformation of the unit
due to the heat.
Do not allow anyone to mount on the outdoor unit or avoid
placing any object on it.
Falling or tumbling may result in injury.
Never expose little children, plants or animals directly to the air
Adverse influence to little children, animals and plants may
Do not wash the air conditioner with water.
Electric shock or fire may result.
Do not install the air conditioner at any place where flammable
gas may leak out.
If the gas leaks out and stays around the air conditioner, a fire
may break out.
In order to avoid electric shock or fire, make sure that an earth
leak detector is installed.
Be sure the air conditioner is electrically earthed.
In order to avoid electric shock, make sure that the unit is
grounded and that the earth wire is not connected to gas or
water pipe, lightning conductor or telephone earth wire.
Arrange the drain hose to ensure smooth drainage. Incomplete
drainage may cause wetting of the building, furniture etc.
Do not let children play on and around the outdoor unit.
If they touch the unit carelessly, it may result in injury.
Do not place a flower vase or anything containing water on the
Water may enter the unit, causing an electric shock or fire.
Do not place the controller exposed to direct sunlight.
The LCD display may get discolored, failing to display the data.
Do not wipe the controller operation panel with benzine, thinner,
chemical dustcloth, etc.
The panel may get discolored or the coating peeled off. If it is
heavily dirty, soak a cloth in water-diluted neutral detergent,
squeeze it well and wipe the panel clean. Wipe it with another
dry cloth.
Never touch the internal parts of the controller.
Do not remove the front panel. Some parts inside are dangerous
to touch and a machine trouble may happen. For checking and
adjusting the internal parts, contact your dealer.
Avoid placing the controller in a spot splashed with water.
Water coming inside the machine may cause an electric leak or
may damage the internal electronic parts.
Do not operate the air conditioner when using a room fumigation
- type insecticide.
Failure to observe could cause the chemicals to become
deposited in the unit, which could endanger the health of those
who are hypersensitive to chemicals.
Do not touch the heat exchanger fins.
These fins are sharp and could result in cutting injuries.
The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm
persons without supervision.
Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not
play with the appliance.
2. I
This product contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the
Kyoto Protocol.
Refrigerant type: R410A
value: 1975
GWP = global warming potential
Periodical inspections for refrigerant leaks may be required
depending on European or local legislation. Please contact your local
dealer for more information.
3. W
This operation manual is for the following systems with standard
control. Before initiating operation, contact your dealer for the
operation that corresponds to your system type and mark.
If your installation has a customized control system, ask your dealer
for the operation that corresponds to your system.
Outdoor units (See figure 1)
Names and functions of parts (See figure 1)
(figure 1 shows systems with changeover remote control switches.)
remote control
Operation modes
Heat pumps
Heat pumps
Heat recovery series
Heat pumps
Outdoor unit
Indoor unit
Remote controller
Inlet air
Outlet air
Cool/heat changeover remote control switch
HR unit
4PW40727-1A Page 2 Thursday, October 11, 2007 11:02 AM

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