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U-5~18MX4 + U-8~16ME4
M + U-8~16ME4 + U-4~6ML5
Urban Multi air conditioner
Operation manual
1. Safety cautions ..........................................................................1
2. Important information regarding the refrigerant used ................2
3. What to do before operation ......................................................2
4. Remote controller.......................................................................3
5. Changeover switch: Name and function of each switch.............3
6. Operation range.........................................................................3
7. Operation procedure..................................................................3
7.1. Cooling, heating, fan only, and automatic operation ....................3
7.2. Program dry operation ................................................................. 4
7.3. Adjusting the air flow direction ..................................................... 4
7.4. Setting the master remote controller............................................ 5
7.5. Precautions for group control system or two remote controller
control system.............................................................................. 5
8. Energy saving and optimum operation ......................................5
9. Maintenance ..............................................................................5
9.1. Maintenance after a long stop period........................................... 5
9.2. Maintenance before a long stop period........................................ 6
10. Following symptoms are not air conditioner troubles.................6
11. Troubleshooting..........................................................................7
12. After-sales service and warranty................................................7
12.1. After-sales service ....................................................................... 7
12.2. Shortening of "maintenance cycle" and "replacement cycle"
needs to be considered in following situations............................. 8
1. S
Read the following cautions carefully and use your equipment
Keep these warning sheets handy so that you can refer to them
if needed.
Also, if this equipment is transferred to a new user, make sure to
hand over this user's manual to the new user.
It is not good for your health to expose your body to the air flow
for a long time.
In order to avoid electric shock, fire or injury, or if you detect any
abnormality such as smell of fire, turn off the power supply and
call your dealer for instructions.
Ask your dealer for installation of the air conditioner.
Incomplete installation performed by yourself may result in a
water leakage, electric shock, and fire.
Do not place objects in direct proximity of the outdoor unit and
do not let leaves and other debris accumulate around the unit.
Leaves are a hotbed for small animals which can enter the unit.
Once in the unit, such animals can cause malfunctions, smoke
or fire when making contact with electrical parts.
Ask your dealer for improvement, repair, and maintenance.
Incomplete improvement, repair, and maintenance may result in
a water leakage, electric shock and fire.
Do not insert fingers, rods or other objects into the air inlet or
outlet. When the fan is rotating at high speed, it will cause injury.
Never let the indoor unit or the remote controller get wet.
It may cause an electric shock or a fire.
Never use a flammable spray such as hair spray, lacquer or paint
near the unit.
It may cause a fire.
Never touch the air outlet or the horizontal blades while the
swing flap is in operation.
Fingers may become caught or the unit may break down.
Never replace a fuse with that of wrong ampere ratings or other
wires when a fuse blows out.
Use of wire or copper wire may cause the unit to break down or
cause a fire.
Never put any objects into the air inlet or outlet.
Objects touching the fan at high operating speed can be
Never press the button of the remote controller with a hard,
pointed object.
The remote controller may be damaged.
Never pull or twist the electric wire of the remote controller.
It may cause the unit to malfunction.
Never inspect or service the unit by yourself.
Ask a qualified service person to perform this work.
To prevent refrigerant leak, contact your dealer.
When the system is installed and runs in a small room, it is
required to keep the concentration of the refrigerant, if by any
chance coming out, below the limit. Otherwise, oxygen in the
room may be affected, resulting in a serious accident.
The refrigerant in the air conditioner is safe and normally does
not leak. If the refrigerant leaks in the room, contact with a fire of
a burner, a heater or a cooker may result in a harmful gas.
Turn off any combustible heating devices, ventilate the room and
contact the dealer where you purchased the unit.
Do not use the air conditioner until a service person confirms
that the portion where the refrigerant leaks is repaired.
Improper installation or attachment of equipment or accessories
could result in electric shock, short-circuit, leaks, fire or other
damage to the equipment. Be sure to use only accessories
made by Panasonic which are specifically designed for use with
the equipment and have them installed by a professional.
Ask your dealer to move and reinstall the air conditioner.
Incomplete installation may result in a water leakage, electric
shock, and fire.
Urban Multi air conditioner
Operation manual
Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic air conditioner.
Carefully read this operation manual before using the air
conditioner. It will tell you how to use the unit properly and
help you if any trouble occurs. After reading the manual,
file it away for future reference.
Improper handling can lead to such serious consequences
as death, severe injury or damage to the equipment.
These instructions will ensure proper use of the
Be sure to follow these important safety cautions.
4PW40727-1A Page 1 Thursday, October 11, 2007 11:02 AM

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