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Radio waves
Do not use the TV, 3D Eyewear and VIERA Touch Pad Controller in any medical institutions or locations with
medical equipment. Radio waves from the TV, 3D Eyewear and VIERA Touch Pad Controller may interfere with
the medical equipment and cause accidents due to the malfunction.
Do not use the TV, 3D Eyewear and VIERA Touch Pad Controller near any automatic control equipment such
as automatic doors or fire alarms. Radio waves from the TV, 3D Eyewear and VIERA Touch Pad Controller may
interfere with the automatic control equipment and cause accidents due to the malfunction.
Keep the distance at least 22 cm from the built-in wireless LAN part, 3D Eyewear and VIERA Touch Pad
Controller when you have a cardiac pacemaker. Radio waves from the part may interfere with the operation of the
Do not disassemble or alter the built-in wireless LAN, 3D Eyewear and VIERA Touch Pad Controller in any way.
When cleaning the TV, remove the mains
Cleaning an energized TV may cause electrical shock.
When the TV is not going to be used for
a long period of time, remove the mains
This TV will still consume some power even in the Off
mode, as long as the mains plug is still connected to a
live socket outlet.
Transport only in upright position
Transporting the TV with its display panel facing upward
or downward may cause damage to the internal circuitry.
Allow sufficient space around the TV for
radiated heat
Minimum distance
When using the
pedestal, keep the
space between the
bottom of the TV and
the surface where the
TV is set.
In case of using
Wall-hanging bracket,
follow the manual of it.
Do not block the rear air vents
Blocked ventilation by newspapers, table cloths,
curtains, etc. may cause overheating, fire or electrical
Do not expose your ears to excessive
volume from the headphones
Irreversible damage can be caused.
Do not apply strong force or impact to the
display panel
This may cause damage resulting in injury.
The TV is heavy. Handle the TV by 2 or
more people. Support as shown to avoid
injury by the TV tipping or falling.
Built-in wireless LAN
To use the built-in wireless LAN, an access point needs to be obtained.
Do not use the built-in wireless LAN to connect to any wireless network (SSID
) for which you do not have usage
rights. Such networks may be listed as a result of searches. However, using them may be regarded as illegal access.
SSID is a name for identifying a particular wireless network for transmission.
Do not subject the built-in wireless LAN to high temperatures, direct sunlight or moisture.
Data transmitted and received over radio waves may be intercepted and monitored.
The built-in wireless LAN uses 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands. To avoid malfunctions or slow response caused
by radio wave interference, keep the TV away from the devices such as other wireless LAN devices, microwaves,
mobile phones and the devices that use 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz signals when using the built-in wireless LAN.
When noises occur due to the static electricity, etc., the TV might stop operating for the protection of the devices. In
this case, turn the TV off with Mains power On / Off switch, then turn it on again.
Additional information for built-in wireless LAN and access point may be on the following website. (English only)
wireless technology
The TV, 3D Eyewear and VIERA Touch Pad Controller use the 2.4 GHz radio frequency ISM band (Bluetooth
). To
avoid malfunctions or slow response caused by radio wave interference, keep the TV, 3D Eyewear and VIERA Touch
Pad Controller away from the devices such as other wireless LAN devices, other Bluetooth devices, microwaves,
mobile phones and the devices that use 2.4 GHz signal.

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  • Opmerking:

    Er staat hier "Handleiding van Panasonic TX-P65VT50 LED TV" maar dit is de handleiding van de PLASMA TV!

    De handleiding is dus wel de juiste...

    John Gesteld op 16-8-2013 om 18:16

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Klopt, er wordt soms een veerkeerde rubriek aangegeven, maar als je zoekt op het juiste typenummer komt het goed. Het is inderdaad een Plasma toestel.

      Mvg. Willem. Geantwoord op 7-10-2013 om 17:10

      Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic TX-P65VT50

Panasonic TX-P65VT50 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 124 pagina's

Panasonic TX-P65VT50 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 124 pagina's

Panasonic TX-P65VT50 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 128 pagina's

Panasonic TX-P65VT50 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 84 pagina's

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