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CD Stereo System
Model No. SC-PMX9DB
You can wirelessly stream music from an iOS device, an Android™ device or a
Mac/PC to SC-PMX9DB’s speakers. To use this music-streaming feature,
SC-PMX9DB must join the same 2.4 GHz wireless network as the compatible
device through the wireless network router (access point).
For information on how to connect with a LAN cable, refer to “Wired LAN connection” in
the Operating Instructions.
*1: Refer to the Operating Instructions for the compatibility.
Screen images used in this sheet : iPhone 4S, iOS 6.0.1
connection guide
iOS device
, Android device
or Mac/PC
Wireless network
1 Press [SETUP] on the remote
control repeatedly to select
“Net Setup” and then press [OK].
“With iPod” is indicated on the display.
2 Press [SETUP] on the remote
control repeatedly to select “WPS
Push” and then press [OK].
“WPS” flashes on the display.
Press the WPS button on the
wireless network router.
Press [OK] on the remote
control to exit.
The settings are completed when
“Success” is displayed and “ ” is
indicated on the display.
*2 : The marking may differ.
Yes No / Do not know
Start wireless network settings
1 Place SC-PMX9DB close to the wireless network router as
possible and then point the antenna on the rear of the main
unit up as shown in the figure.
Do not tilting the antenna forward or backwards when it is pointing up.
2 Connect the AC mains lead while the LAN cable is
3 Turn this system on.
4 Follow the chart below to choose the network setting method.
If you want to perform wireless setting with your Mac/PC, or you want to apply the advanced
setting, refer to
“Method 4” in the operating instructions.
The following explanations are based on an iPhone.
Lightning connector compatible iPod
iPod touch/iPhone/iPad with
iOS 5.0 or later:
Disconnect iPod/iPhone/iPad
connected to the main unit.
Connect the iPhone to your
home wireless network.
Connect the iPhone to the
main unit.
Choose one of the following
Dedicated cable supplied with the iOS
Press [SETUP] on the remote
control repeatedly to select
“Net Setup” and then press [OK].
“With iPod” is indicated on the display.
Unlock your iPhone and then
press [OK] on the remote control.
A message will pop-up on the
iPhone. Allow the iPhone to share
the wireless network settings.
The settings are completed
when “Success” is displayed
and “ ” is indicated on the
Press [OK] on the remote
control to exit.
You can make the wireless
network settings with the app,
“Panasonic Stereo System
Network Setup” (for free).
If you’re using an Android device,
download the app at Google
Play™. If you’re using an iPod
touch/iPhone/iPad, download it at
the App Store.
Connect your smartphone to
your home wireless network.
Check the password for your
home wireless network.
Note for the iOS version
After step 3
1 Enter the password for the home
wireless network to which the iOS
device is connected.
2 When a message instructing you
to connect the iOS device to this
system is displayed, press the
home button.
3 On the Wi-Fi network selection
screen in “Settings”, select
“00 Setup _ _ _ _ _ _”.
4 When a message indicating the
completion of the connection to
this system is displayed, restart
the app.
5 When a message indicating the
completion of the Wi-Fi setup of
this system is displayed, close the
app, and then check the operation
of AirPlay, etc.
Press [SETUP] on the remote
control repeatedly to select
“Net Setup” and then press [OK].
“With iPod” is indicated on the display.
Press [SETUP] on the remote
control repeatedly to select
“Manual” and then press [OK].
Start “Panasonic Stereo System
Network Setup” on your smartphone
and follow the indications.
Using AirPlay
The following explanations are based on an
AirPlay, the AirPlay logo, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch are
trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.
The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi
The Wi-Fi Protected Setup Mark is a mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
“Wi-Fi” and “Wi-Fi Protected Setup” are marks or registered marks
of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.
1 Connect the iPhone to your home wireless network.
2 Select “Panasonic PMX9 _ _ _ _ _ _” from the AirPlay icon and start play.
Turn on
Your home wireless
network name
*3 : You may be prompted for the password. Enter the password of your home wireless network.
“Panasonic PMX9 _ _ _ _ _ _
Play starts.
(with a slight delay)
Does your wireless network router support
WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup
Are you using an iPod touch/iPhone/iPad?
Is the iOS version 5.0 or later?
Method 1 Method 2 Method 3
SC-PMX9DBEB&DBGN-VQC9510_mst.fm 1 ページ 2013年3月18日 月曜日 午後9時24分

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic SC-PMX9DB

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 84 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 84 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 20 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Snelstart handleiding - Français - 1 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 84 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Snelstart handleiding - Italiano - 1 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 84 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk - 64 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Snelstart handleiding - Dansk - 1 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Snelstart handleiding - Svenska - 1 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 64 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Snelstart handleiding - Suomi - 1 pagina's

Panasonic SC-PMX9DB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Suomi - 64 pagina's

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